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An Update

Well it has been quite some time since I last posted and this is why…


Yes, I finally got married on 27 April 2019 and this was followed up by a blissful trip to Paris.

The wedding itself had a bookish theme, with flowers made out of old book pages which were taken by the guests as keepsakes – the teacups were actually my grandmother’s, left to me on her death in 1995 so I was delighted to work them into the decorations.


So in short now that project is over I should now have time to get back to reading again – I discovered you can’t be a book blogger when you aren’t actually reading much at all. Of course I have read during my absence and so I will be sharing reviews of those books while I pick up the reins to blogging and of course connecting with all my blogging friends; I have a feeling that I’m going to want to read all the books I’ve missed during my break.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

112 thoughts on “An Update

  1. Congratulations, Cleo!! And what lovely ‘photos. You had a fantastic, theme, too. I wish you much happiness always, and I”m very glad you enjoyed your trip to Paris so well. It’s delightful to see you back, though, I must say. Looking forward to your reviews as you get to them.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Toutes mes félicitations! Congratulations and you looked beautiful.
    Fantastic bookish theme, I’m not sure my husband would have accepted that at our wedding. Lucky you! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This is a far more delightful reason for your absence than I was fearing! I thought you were ill or something awful had happened in the family so am delighted to see how wrong I was. Congratulations Cleo. I’m in awe of your creativity with the book theme….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you 😊I had limped on for a while but with the wedding looming and extra stuff happening on the work front I was unable to do everything.
      I wasn’t entirely sure how the bookish theme would with in reality but I was delighted with the result but


  4. Congratulations Cleo. What a wonderful picture of a beautiful bride and handsome husband. I love the reading theme idea. Very creative and welcome back, although I am sure you enjoyed all you were doing during your absence. 💐💏⛪

    Liked by 2 people

  5. What a great theme! And don’t you look young???!!! I thought it was your daughter at first. Delighted that joyous events have taken over for a bit!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations! Sounds like a terrific day and you both look amazing, lovely photo. From your lovely photos the theme worked really well and what a great theme to have. Paris – wonderful and, well, you can’t get much more romantic than that! Glad you are back to the Blog – look forward to your future posts.

    All best wishes for the happiest future together 👰 🤵🥂

    Liked by 1 person

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