Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (February 28)

This Week In Books
Hosted by Lipsy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

I have just finished reading Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh which will be published on 8 March 2018 and I predict will swiftly become a best-seller.


The police say it was suicide.
Anna says it was murder.
They’re both wrong.

One year ago, Caroline Johnson chose to end her life brutally: a shocking suicide planned to match that of her husband just months before. Their daughter, Anna, has struggled to come to terms with their loss ever since.

Now with a young baby of her own, Anna misses her mother more than ever and starts to ask questions about her parents’ deaths. But by digging up the past, is she putting her future in danger? Sometimes it’s safer to let things lie . . . Amazon

I have just started reading And The Birds Kept On Singing by Simon Bourke a book from my own collection and enjoying it immensely.


Pregnant at seventeen, Sinéad McLoughlin does the only thing she can; she runs away from home. She will go to England and put her child up for adoption. But when she lays eyes on it for the first time, lays eyes on him, she knows she can never let him go.

Just one problem. He’s already been promised to someone else.

A tale of love and loss, remorse and redemption, And The Birds Kept On Singing tells two stories, both about the same boy. In one Sinéad keeps her son and returns home to her parents, to nineteen-eighties Ireland and life as a single mother. In the other she gives him away, to the Philliskirks, Malcolm and Margaret, knowing that they can give him the kind of life she never could.

As her son progresses through childhood and becomes a young man, Sinéad is forced to face the consequences of her decision. Did she do the right thing? Should she have kept him, or given him away? And will she spend the rest of her life regretting the choices she has made? Amazon

Next I plan on reading Dark Waters by Mary-Jane Riley which will be published on 16 March 2018. This is the third in the Alex Devlin series which began with the brilliant The Bad Things and was followed by the equally captivating After She Fell.


Secrets lie beneath the surface…

Two men, seemingly unconnected, are discovered dead in a holiday boat on the Norfolk Broads, having apparently committed suicide together.

Local journalist Alex Devlin, planning an article on the dangers of internet suicide forums, starts digging into their backgrounds.

But Alex’s investigation soon leads her to a much darker mystery – one that will hit closer to home than she could possibly have imagined, and place the lives of those she loves in terrible danger. Amazon

What are you reading? What do you think to my choices this week? Do share your thoughts in the comments box below.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

22 thoughts on “This Week in Books (February 28)

  1. Clare Mackintosh is on my list of authors to read, so I hope to get round to Let Me Lie … I’m not sure I want to read And The Birds Kept On Singing, it sounds rather heart-breaking.


  2. An interesting line up of books. Enjoy Dark Waters, sounds like a captivating mystery. Let me Lie and The birds kept on singing are my type of books. Glad you enjoyed them.


  3. I really need to read a Clare Mackintosh book soon. I have heard so many good things. I didn’t know about Mary-Jane’s new book. I really enjoyed After She Fell so will definitely look out for Dark Waters. Enjoy your books this week. Happy reading 🙂


  4. I’m looking forward to reading Let Me Lie and also hearing what you think about it. I read the 2nd book in Mary-Jane Riley’s series – After She Fell – liked it. Not sure why I didn’t go back and read the 1st. Will keep the new one in mind.


  5. You’ve got some interesting books, Cleo. The Mackintosh in particular got my attention. I have to admit, she’s an author I’ve not (yet) read, but that one sounds intriguing. I hope you’ll post a review.


  6. The blurb for Let Me Lie is gripping! It’s not a genre I tend to read, though. These days, I’m reading mostly nonfiction. I’ve just started a book on gerrymandering.


  7. Interesting choices the first two. Suicide is not an easy subject and many questions are left behind besides the grief from the loss. The pregnancy one would definitely pull on my heart strings. Again, more questions and what if’s.


  8. Your comment leads me to believe that Clare Mackintosh is keeping up the stellar quality of her writing. I loved her previous two novels (especially “I let you go”), and I anticipate enjoying this one in the very near future.


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