Posted in Weekly Posts

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (January 24)

First Chapter
Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.

This week my opener is taken from Rush of Blood by Mark Billingham, a standalone story from the creator of the DI Tom Thorne series.



Perfect strangers.
A perfect holiday.
The perfect murder…
Three couples meet around the pool on their Florida holiday and become fast friends. But on their last night, their perfect holiday takes a tragic twist: the teenage daughter of another holidaymaker goes missing, and her body is later found floating in the mangroves.
When the shocked couples return home, they remain in contact, and over the course of three increasingly fraught dinner parties they come to know one another better. But they don’t always like what they find: buried beneath these apparently normal exteriors are some dark secrets, hidden kinks, ugly vices…
Then, a second girl goes missing.
Could it be that one of these six has a secret far darker than anybody can imagine? Amazon

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First Chapter ~ First Paragraph ~ Intro


From: Angela Finnegan
Date: 16 May 17:31:01 BST
To: Susan Dunning
Cc: Marina Green

Subject: Dinner!!!

Hi All!

You know how you meet people on holiday and say things like ‘we really must stay in touch’? I bet you’re regretting swapping those email addresses now. Ha ha!

Seriously though. It was an amazing holiday even if it did end a bit oddly, so I thought it would be great if we could all get together. So, me and Barry would love it if the four of you could come to dinner on Saturday, June 4th. I know it is a bit of a trek down here to deepest, darkest Crawley but I do a mean bread and butter pud and I promise to send out sherpas if you get lost!!

Talk to the boys and let me know ASAP, but I really hope you can make it.

Lotsa love, Angie xxx

PS. Been looking at the local papers on the internet and still no sign of that poor girl. Can’t imagine what her mother must be going through. Horrible, just horrible.

PPS. Can’t remember, but is anyone a veggie?

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I know that’s more than a paragraph but it wouldn’t make sense to have split it. I have to admit I love books that have emails, letters or diaries in them, I don’t know about you but I can picture Angie so well, just from that email and now I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into this book.

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

48 thoughts on “First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (January 24)

  1. I like the idea behind this because it’s so true that you meet people on holiday but don’t really get to know them during that two weeks away…and who does stay in touch? Would definitely keep on reading.


    1. So true – I nearly wrote here that this just screams ‘bad idea’ but I know some do stay in touch post holiday – the only people I’ve stayed in touch with live on the other side of the world so no chance of a get-together!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Emails can say so much about someone, from their choice of words, format and give a general feeling of the person. I’m reading this either tomorrow or a bit later in Feb as I got ARCs dates muddled and I can’t read them all, but I’m really looking forward to it!


      1. Having the complete email address makes it seem more real, rather than just having the name there. I have a friend who used to use the Demon server for his emails. Not sure if he still does as he has his own domain, so maybe. And the btinternet and gmail are definitely well used.


  3. That’s such an interesting way to start a book, I think. And I do like it when emails, letters, and the like are a part of a story, It certainly does sound intriguing, Cleo, and the premise is interesting. I look forward to your review.


  4. I’m also a big fan of including emails, letters, texts, or that type of thing in stories. Yes, I’d definitely read on. I think I might have another book by this author on my Kindle, probably the 1st book in his series. Enjoy and I suspect I’ll be reading this one soon.


  5. So many creepy possibilities lie ahead for these couples, I’m sure. Friendships that develop so quickly always seem to shout “watch out!” I will be eager to find out what lies beneath those exteriors. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.


  6. I love a good mystery/thriller. I’m reading The Chemist right now and it is pretty good so far. Took a few chapters for me to get into it though. Have a great week and enjoy your reading!


  7. This sounds good! I like the blurb, and love the letter. I’ve enjoyed a couple of his books in the past but kinda lost touch with the series and have never got back into it. Sometimes standalones are easier to cope with – look forward to your review!


      1. I don’t remember them as gory – I’m not good with gore. That said I’m worse now so it’s all relative. They were gritty and realistic but essentially police procedurals with a great character in Tom Thorne.


    1. I read Die of Shame last year and it narrowly missed being in my Top Ten – although this is part of the Tom Thorne series he barely appears so it is more of a standalone with a cameo from Tom – it concerns a group having therapy – highly recommended and I think you’d enjoy it.

      Liked by 1 person

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