Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (December 14)

This Week In Books

Hosted by Lipsyy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

At the moment I am reading The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena a book I nearly read earlier in the year but was worried that I would be too angry with the parents and so chose something else instead. I’m feeling calmer now and have things in perspective, this is after all fiction.

The Couple Next Door


You never know what’s happening on the other side of the wall.

Your neighbour told you that she didn’t want your six-month-old daughter at the dinner party. Nothing personal, she just couldn’t stand her crying.

Your husband said it would be fine. After all, you only live next door. You’ll have the baby monitor and you’ll take it in turns to go back every half hour.

Your daughter was sleeping when you checked on her last. But now, as you race upstairs in your deathly quiet house, your worst fears are realized. She’s gone.

You’ve never had to call the police before. But now they’re in your home, and who knows what they’ll find there.

What would you be capable of, when pushed past your limit? NetGalley

I have just finished Belinda Bauer’s The Facts of Life and Death, another amazing book by this talented author.


Please see yesterday’s post for the synopsis and an excerpt.

Next I am planning on reading A Mother’s Confession by Kelly Rimmer, I’ve heard nothing but good things about this book which is great because I’m not too keen on this cover!



He’s dead and I’m safe, but I’m still scared. Sometimes I actually miss him, but then in the very next breath I find that I hate him so much that I hope there is a hell, just so that he can be suffering like he left me here to suffer.’

Olivia and David were the perfect couple with their whole lives in front of them. When beautiful baby daughter Zoe came along, their world seemed complete.

But now David is dead and Olivia’s world is in pieces. While she is consumed with grief, her mother-in-law Ivy is also mourning the loss of her son. Both women are hiding secrets about the man they loved. Secrets that have put the family in danger.

Something was very wrong in Olivia and David’s marriage. Can Olivia and Ivy break their silence and speak the truth? A mother should protect her child, whatever the cost…shouldn’t she? NetGalley

Have you read any of these? What do you think of my choices?

What are you reading this week? Feel free to leave your links, answers or any other random comments about books in the box below.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

36 thoughts on “This Week in Books (December 14)

  1. I’ve had The Couple Next Door to read for so long I’ve forgot how long I’ve had it on in my book case. I must be like all the readers too many books and not enough hours/ days/ weeks/months to read them


  2. Gosh, you are having a bit of parenting moment in your reading, aren’t you? Hope you enjoy them all.
    I’ve just finished Deep Down Dead by Steph Broadribb, which is an action-packed road trip with plenty of baddies and scenes set at a theme park in Florida – great fun! I’m currently reading Moxyland, which blends the sci fi elements with the plausible so well that it’s unnerving. Next up probably some short stories by Alice Munro which I found at the local library in the ‘uplifting reads’ section – though I could do with some cheering up.


    1. The Beautiful Dead was superb but then I have enjoyed all her books although I wasn’t so keen on The Shut-Eye but that’s because I’m not a fan of supernatural stuff. The Facts of Life and Death is equally outstanding.


  3. I really like the sound of The Couple next door though I am yet to read it. I can’t wait to read your review about it. I hope that you enjoy A Mother’s Confession. I loved the book and can’t wait to see what you think about it.


  4. I know what you mean, Cleo, about reading books when you’re ready for them. I’ve done that, too. I’ve heard good things about A Mother’s Confession, too; I hope you’ll enjoy it, and I’ll be interested in what you think of it. I have to admit, though, I agree with you about that cover.


  5. I saw the blurb for The Couple Next Door the first time a while back and decided I could never read it for the reason you gave. Who on earth leaves a baby alone in the house?! I don’t care if you’re “only” next door!! I’m glad to hear it isn’t a barrier to you reading it now and hopefully you’ll enjoy it (or the parents will come to some awful when which will serve them right).

    Here’s my post:


  6. I read The Couple Next Door and enjoyed it (although I know what you mean about it making you mad). I would, however, love to hear the opinion of someone who reads far more thrillers than I do (that would be you!).
    You’re right – the cover of the last book is terrible. 🙂


  7. I couldn’t put The Couple Next Door down, and enjoyed it; but I also wanted to reach inside the world of those parents and shake them a little. But considering how it all turns out, there was something more afoot. Hope you enjoy it!

    I am curious about A Mother’s Confession…and yes, sappy cover!

    Enjoy your books, and someday I must try Belinda Bauer. Thanks for visiting my blog.


  8. I’m not a fan of the cover for A Mother’s Confession either. If it weren’t for the great reviews I read, I would not have added this book to my wish list. I hope you enjoy it! Happy reading 🙂


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