Posted in Book Review, Books I have read

Keep Quiet – Lisa Scottoline

Contemporary Fiction 2*'s
Contemporary Fiction

The premise to this book is really interesting, Jake lets his sixteen year old son drive the car home as part of an attempt to bond with him and during momentary lapse of concentration Ryan hits what they think is a deer, closer inspection reveals the victim to be a teenage girl. In the heat of the moment Jake decides that as his son was driving after 11:00pm that he would take the blame, he doesn’t want Ryan’s promising scholarship at Basketball college ruined by a criminal record but then Ryan falls apart and Jake decides the best course of action is to continue the journey home and leave the dead girl by the side of the road. I like books where there is the possibility of asking ‘What would I do?’ and the first section was a realistic scenario to allow me to do so.

Unfortunately Lisa Scottoline has a tendency to over-egg the situation, there were endless paragraphs where both Ryan and Jake ruminated over what had happened in fairly banal language which didn’t appear to reflect any true emotion partly due to the style of the writing. I’m not a fan of endless dialogue in books partly because unless carefully handled there is strong likelihood that it will sound false and in Keep Quiet none of what I read reflected any conversation that I’ve heard between a father and his son:

On the way home, Jake had laid down the law to his son.
Ryan, don’t tell Mom. Never, ever.
Dad, I never would. Are you insane?
I mean it. No matter what. You know what she’d do. She’d have to.
Dad, I swear, I won’t tell. Mom. I won’t tell anybody.

The reason why Ryan couldn’t tell his mother, Pam was because she’s a judge and a top-ranking one at that so not only had the accident killed a girl, would ruin Ryan’s life with a potential prison sentence it also would kill Pam’s career, like the author, I’m just making sure you’re keeping up. It soon becomes apparent that Pam and Jake were already locked into a who’s the better parent competition even before the accident, with Pam taking the lead position of course, and this intensifies as Jake lies appallingly and Ryan goes rapidly off the rails as the news of the girl’s death is absorbed by the community.

As a moral tale of the old adage ‘What a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive’ as predictably more lies are required to cover the first one until it looks like there is no hiding place for the family and Lisa Scottoline provides many twists and turns before arriving at her rather unrealistic finale.

Lisa Scottoline’s books have been likened to Jodi Picoult’s and I can see the basic similarities are there in that this is an issue led book with a moral dilemma at its heart but Keep Quiet doesn’t have that level of sophistication caused mainly by the endless reinforcement of points the author doesn’t want the reader to miss, a technique that I frankly find annoying, I like authors who trust their readers to make up their own minds, especially about their characters which in this case lacked any real substance.

I’d like to thank Amazon Vine for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for this honest review. Keep Quiet is due to be published on 20 November 2014.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

22 thoughts on “Keep Quiet – Lisa Scottoline

  1. Cleo – Sorry to hear this didn’t sweep you away more. It is a really fascinating premise! And it lays open all sorts of possibilities. I know what you mean, too, about dialogue. It does have to be handled well…


    1. Agree Margot – it is a great idea, that would possibly have worked better in more sophisticated hands, possibly Jodi Picoult’ s, although I’m not a huge fan of hers either….authors who are awful at dialogue annoy me; all you really have to do is listen to how people actually talk! Obviously Scottoline’s strengths lie elsewhere…like your comment “like the author, I’m just making sure you’re keeping up”…made me laugh! Hope your next book’s an improvement….


      1. Thank you Crimeworm 🙂 I have read and enjoyed a few of Jodi Picoult’s stories until they all started feeling a little predictable, which are issue based tales, but this was written by an author who had no faith in her readers…


    2. I think I was more disappointed because it is a fantastic premise, as a parent it is easy to ask yourself ‘What would I do?’ in a similar situation, but the dialogue was poor, the characters two-dimensional and they engaged in far too much hand-wringing which wrecked the pace of the plot.


  2. Great review! With the added bonus that I’m not even remotely tempted, although the premise did sound interesting. I also loved your comment ‘like the author, I’m just making sure you’re keeping up’. 😆 I do prefer authors who assume I’m capable of filling in the spaces myself…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My mom likes Lisa Scottoline, but I prefer Jodi Piccoult. They are similar in a few ways, but I find Piccoult’s books more thought-provoking. A student recommended a Scottonline book to me… can’t remember the title, and I started it, but I abandoned it, and believe me, that doesn’t happen often. I just found it repetitive and obvious. That’s only based on one half of a book, though, so I’m trying to keep an open mind about her and maybe try a different book.


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