Posted in Weekly Posts

Teaser Tuesday (September 23)


Tuesday Teaser

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

My teaser this week is from Quarter Past Two on a Wednesday Afternoon by Linda Newbery

Quarter Past Two on a Wednesday Afternoon


It was the day when everything stopped…
At quarter past two on a hot afternoon in August, Anna’s beautiful, headstrong elder sister Rose disappears.
Twenty years later, Anna still doesn’t know whether Rose is alive or dead. In her early thirties now, she sees her future unfolding – with sensible, serious Martin and a grown-up, steady job – and finds herself wondering if this is what she really wants.
Unable to take control of her life while the mystery of her sister’s disappearance remains unsolved, Anna begins to search for the truth: what did happen to Rose that summer’s day? NetGalley

My Teaser

In bed Anna propped herself up, reading Forever, her library book, anticipating drama and the earful Rose would get when she turned up. Eventually she turned off her light. It was a way of hastening Rose’s return; when she woke up it would be morning, Rose would be asleep in her room, an no-one would remember why they’d been so worried.


Please leave the link to your teaser in the comments below


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

56 thoughts on “Teaser Tuesday (September 23)

    1. Isn’t it a very pretty book? This book has far more going on in the present than I expected although my teaser is chosen from the day Rose disappeared… I’m quite engrossed. Thank you for leaving your link 🙂


  1. I’m already intrigued, Cleo! And the title got my attention too. I’ll be keen to know what you think of this one when you’ve finished it.


    1. It is sad in the way that the consequences of an unexplained disappearance have on those left behind but it is fascinating learning about what happened in the run up and the way Anna is living her life without her big sister.


  2. This has been on my TBR list for awhile (I may have heard about it from you, actually!) but I’m having trouble finding it here in the US. I’m definitely going to keep looking–it sounds very good.


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