Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW Wednesday (September 10)

WWW Wednesday green

Hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading The Stolen Girl by Renita D’Silva who writes great novels which are all based upon a mixture of Indian and English heritage.

The Stolen Girl


For as long as thirteen-year-old Diya can remember, it’s always been just her and her mum, Vani. Despite never staying in one place long enough to call it home, with her mother by her side, Diya has never needed anything else. Then, in an instant, Diya’s fragile world is shattered. Her mother is arrested, accused of abducting Diya when she was a baby…
Vani has spent a lifetime looking over her shoulder, determined to make the best possible life for her daughter. Now she must fight for her child, re-opening the door to her childhood in India and the woman who was once as close to her as a sister.
Told through the eyes of Diya, Vani and Aarti, this is a heart-breaking story of friendship and betrayal, love and motherhood, which asks the question; how far would you go to protect your only child? NetGalley

I have just finished reading A Trick of the Mind by Penny Hancock
click on the book cover to read my review

A Trick of the Mind

Next I am going to read Trust in Me by Sophie McKenzie

Trust in Me


Julia has always been the friend that Livy turns to when life is difficult. United fifteen years ago by grief at the brutal murder of Livy’s sister, Kara, they’ve always told each other everything.
Or so Livy thought.
So when Julia is found dead in her home, Livy cannot come to terms with the news that she chose to end her own life. The Julia that Livy knew was vibrant and vivacious, a far cry from the selfish neurotic that her family seem determined to paint her as.
Troubled by doubt but alone in her suspicions, Livy sets out to prove that Julia was in fact murdered. But little does she realise that digging into her best friend’s private life will cause her to question everything she thought she knew about Julia. And the truth that Livy discovers will tear the very fabric of her own life apart. NetGalley

What are you reading this week? Share with me in the comments below.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

34 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (September 10)

  1. Cleo – You always have such an intriguing set of books for WWW! I really am keen to know what you think of The Stolen Girl when you’ve finished it. And I’ve heard some really good things about Trust in Me too. I suspect my TBR is about to increase…


    1. Thank you Margot, I should be finished with The Stolen Girl soon and I’m really looking forward to Trust in Me. These WWW posts always hammer my TBR but it is fantastic to see what others are currently reading.


  2. A very criminal week for you, Cleo! I like the sound of all of these but must be good and continue on my whirlwind tour of rereading Josephine Tey for a feature I’m writing. Mind you, that’s no hardship – she has a wonderfully chatty and pleasant style.


  3. Cleo, I also love your layout. I don’t have a clue re websites. In order to “jazz up” my utterly basic blog, and hopefully increase traffic, I was going to buy something like, “A Dummies Guide to WordPress” or similar. Anyone got any ideas how good this/these books are? Or any other suggestions as to how or where someone who’s pretty useless, technically – but a fast learner – could get information or ideas on how to improve the look of my blog? Any suggestions VERY gratefully received! And sorry, Cleo, for hi-jacking your blog! It’s just you have a lot of traffic, and they all seem lovely people, like you!


    1. Thank you 🙂 I didn’t use those books and played around with different themes and widgets until I found one I liked the look of. The hardest part was getting the header picture of my books sized properly. You can see which wordpress other’s use by clicking on a header post and then looking in the bottom right hand corner – mine is The Pillcrow Theme. Try reading this link – for me the widgets livened up the site and made it ‘mine’ and they are easy to use. I’m not technical either but if you have any specific questions you can email me and I’ll do my best to answer.


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