Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW Wednesday (October 30)

WWW Wednesday green

Hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading two books which is very unusual for me. My fiction book is Rubbernecker by Belinda Bauer click the cover to see my Teaser from yesterday,


and Silent Witnesses by Nigel McCrery is my non-fiction read.  This is a fascinating look, using actual cases at the progress of forensic science over the last couple of centuries.



Silent Witnesses looks at the history of forensic science over the last two centuries, during which time a combination of remarkable intuition, painstaking observation and leaps in scientific knowledge have developed this fascinating branch of detection. Throwing open the casebook, it introduces us to such luminaries as ‘The Wizard of Berkeley’ Edward Heinrich, who is credited with having solved over 2000 crimes, and Alphonse Bertillon, the French scientist whose guiding principle ‘no two individuals share the same characteristics’ became the core of identification. Along the way, it takes us to India and Australia, Columbia and China, Russia, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. And it proves that, in order to solve ever more complicated cases, science must always stay one step ahead of the killer. Amazon

I have just finished Don’t Cry Over Killed Milk by Stephen Kaminski, a great cosy mystery which caught my eye because of the great play on words in the title. Click on the cover to read my review.

Don't Cry Over Killed Milk

I plan to read The Moment Keeper by Buffy Andrews next which is due to be published on 1 November 2013 by Carina

The Moment Keeper


Our lives are often connected in ways we never would have imagined…
Two babies; two very different upbringings.
First there is Sarah: raised by her loving grandmother, but neglected by her own father who views her as the instrument of her mother’s death. She will lead a hard life, searching to belong and to be loved.
Then there is Olivia, surrounded by love, nurtured and adored by her parents, a golden child with a golden future.
When Sarah’s life is cut tragically short and she is assigned to record the moments of Olivia’s life as her Moment Keeper, their lives become intertwined.
Sarah is able to overcome the heartbreak of her own lost years and Olivia is able to deal with a future that isn’t nearly as golden as what she had planned – or is it? Amazon


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

21 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (October 30)

  1. I long for a real book in my hand. Though I love reading blogs, there is something so different about curling up in bed with a good book. It’s been a long time but with blog, work and family, I end up snoring the moment I hit the bed.


  2. Silent Witnesses and The Moment Keeper look good. THANKS for sharing.

    ENJOY your week and your reading.

    If you want to stop by my blog for a book giveaway, it is under the post titled: GUESS THE AUTHOR.

    Hope you can drop by to enter.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My W…W…W…


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