Posted in Book Review, Books I have read

Tales For The Tube – M.L. Stewart

Short Stories 5*'s
Short Stories

I’m not usually a big fan of short stories but these mini-thrillers by ML Stewart are some of the best I have read. It is worth downloading this one simply to have a good laugh over the ‘All Rights Reserved’ and ‘Disclaimer’ to set the tone before turning to the first of five stories.

In ‘Jack and Jill’, a husband and wife’s lives are torn apart by a neighbour.
Follow ‘The Backpacker’ as he embarks on the ultimate suicide mission.
‘The Blind Snail’ sees a badly beaten woman awake from unconsciousness in a darkened house. Help is trying to reach her, but she has no idea where she is.
‘The Mysterious Case of the Magically Missing Drugs’: Scotland Yard’s D.S. Liz Porteous assists an old friend from HM Customs to stop an ingenious drug trafficker.
‘The Montgomerys’ were the perfect family…until the money ran out.

ML Stewart has mastered the art of getting the essence of the character and scene into a minimal number of words to produce a well-rounded story and rather than one where reader feels cheated or the story appears rushed. Each of the five are different but all are clever. Reminiscent of Roald Dahl’s short stories for adults, this collection is ideal for the daily commute.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

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