Posted in Book Review, Books I have read

The One You Love – Paul Pilkington

Thriller 2*'s

The One You Love is a thriller. Emma’s fiancé Dan goes missing on the night of his Stag Do, two weeks before their wedding. His brother Richard is found close to death at their flat. This isn’t the first time that someone close to Emma has left suddenly and she is left wondering what she may have done to cause this.

Although the premise to this thriller is good it is quite a disjointed book to read. There are lots of characters, Dan, Richard, Emma, her brother Will, her friend Lizzie, her father Edward and his girlfriend Miranda to name but a few, many of these are introduced quite early on without enough clear definition to make it easy to work out who anyone is let alone where they may fit into Dan’s disappearance. There is also quite a lot of repetetive dialogue which makes heavy work of describing what is going on. Having said that, once I had worked out who was who and what had happened, by part 2, the story picks up. There are a lot of menacing characters and once again the lack of depth meant I wasn’t totally convinced by the motive or the ending, despite guessing who may have been involved.

This is a fairly quick read, the book at less than 300 pages and will while away a few hours. There is a sequel novella The One You Fear (Emma Holden suspense mystery sequel) for those who enjoyed this one.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

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