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Cleopatra Loves Books is Five!

Five whole years ago (yesterday) Cleopatra Loves Books was born. Initially set up in a vacuum as I had no idea about the community of book bloggers, it was a place to record my thoughts on the books I had read. Who’d have thought it would become such an important part of my life.

I’ve typed so much, and hopefully used far more words than the average five year old knows, 2,200, although I confess to frequently scratching my head to find a new way to say I really did enjoy this book! My old laptop’s keys had been pounded so fiercely, its files were full of book covers and reviews that by the start of 2018 you could only see half of the letters and it was time to upgrade to a newer lighter model.

One thing is certain I’m sure I wouldn’t have devoted so much time and energy to this hobby without the interaction with those of you who visit me. Whether you come to tell me you liked my review, that meme was interesting or sometimes if you disagree with my thoughts on a particular book I smile. For the first time in my longish life I have been free to discuss books with like-minded people i.e. the ones who don’t think I’m strange for reading every day or the fact that I’d often prefer to curl up with imaginary people than socialise, although I do this too from time to time!

The birthday tradition at Cleopatra Loves Books is to share some facts and figures with you so hang onto your hats…

This post will be the 1,627 published post on Cleopatra Loves Blogs – no wonder those keys had faded away!

The top reviews in respect of views on my blog of all time are:

Come A Little Closer by Rachel Abbott – Reviewed 25 February 2018
The Book of You y Claire Kendal – Reviewed 6 February 2014
The Girl in the Woods by Camilla Läckberg – Reviewed 19 February 2018
He Said/She Said by Erin Kelly – Reviewed 10 February 2018
Sleep Tight by Rachel Abbott – Reviewed 2 March 2014

It seems to me that books read and reviewed in February/March are the ones that catch the reader’s eye!

The top five reviews in the last year are:

Come A Little Closer by Rachel Abbott – Reviewed 25 February 2018
The Girl in the Woods by Camilla Läckberg – Reviewed 19 February 2018
Blackmail, Sex and Lies by Kathryn McMaster – Reviewed 13 January 2018
The Missing Girl by Jenny Quintana – Reviewed 18 December 2017
The Dark Angel by Elly Griffiths – reviewed 5 February 2018

Of course I don’t just write reviews I join in memes and this year I have joined The Classics Club so in theory I will be blogging until at least January 2023 when my 5 year challenge completes!

My favourite memes are those where I look back over time and select books that I have read, or want and my yearly delight in attempting the Reading Bingo shows no sign of abating.

At the 6 month stage I join in Jo’s Six in Six where I divide the first half of the years book into categories and the I Spy Book Challenge had me hunting through my bookshelves to complete each item on the list.

I can waste hours on these challenges but the one maxim I have learnt to follow is that reading comes first, without the wonderful books, there would be no blog so writers, please keep them coming!

So all that remains is for me to say a HUGE thank you to you all – I couldn’t do it without the encouragement and so I invite you to help yourself to a virtual drink of your choosing, and of course a slice of cake!


A Slice of Cake!


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

79 thoughts on “Cleopatra Loves Books is Five!

    1. Aw thank you for telling me that Linda – I tend to think about the bloggers who amaze me on a daily basis and quite forget that other people read mine too – well until I post that I’m five and get overwhelmed with all the lovely comments – I really do appreciate you all 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Love the post! Congrats so much and beyond well done, you definitely deserve the cake, your blog is still as well done with attention to detail and professionalism that is totally top notch!


  2. Happy 5th blog birthday, Cleo! Yours was one of the first blogs I followed when I started but I’d already been keeping an eye on your reviews on Goodreads. Anyway, here’s to many, many more years and books! 🍾


  3. Happy sixth birthday Cleo though I must admit I thought the blog had been around for longer than that. I know what you mean about the stress all those posts place on your vocabulary – must be doubly difficult when you review a lot of books in the same genre. But here’s to the next (at least) six years


  4. Congratulations on your 5th blog birthday Cleo. Your blog has always been a favourite of mine and here’s to the next five years. x


  5. Happy Blog Birthday, Cleo! Well done! Your blog is consistently excellent, and it’s one of my must-vistis. I like learning from your reviews, your memes, and more. I wish you many more years of blogging!


  6. Many congratulations Cleo. I wish I had a defined blog birthdate. Although Fictionophile was created in October 2007, it only had about 50 followers and I was a very haphazard blogger. When I retired in early 2016 I became much more serious about my blog, and had the time to make it a labour of love. It was then that my following grew exponentially.
    I consider you as a blogging mentor. ♥️


  7. Congratulations, Cleo, that is quite some feat! Especially since you are so disciplined about reviewing soon after you finish a book, instead of… forgetting all about it, like I do. It’s been my absolute pleasure following you all this while!


  8. Happy Five Year Blog Birthday! I know what you mean about the initial vacuum in which we write…and then, suddenly, comments start appearing, we join in events, and we are part of a community! My favorite part, as reading can isolate us unless we connect with other readers.

    BTW…my keyboard is missing a lot of letters, too! Time to upgrade?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow! Congratulations on your 5th blog birthday, Cleo. Such a terrific feature for it and I’m thinking I’ve been following your blog since right near your beginning. Here’s to many more!


  10. Where did you get that GIF of me??? Ha – isn’t that odd about all those February books? Must admit my own stats always peak in Feb/March too – must be the dreary weather drives more people to spend time online or something.

    Happy blogiversary, Cleo! You are one of the brightest stars in the blogosphere’s heavens – never stop twinkling! 🍾🎂❤⭐


  11. Congratulations Cleo and thank you for all those wonderful reviews (and other posts). Thanks to you I have added quite a few books to my wishlist! I won a giveaway last month and I even requested an Elly Griffths novel because of you! It’s a new author to me but I hope I’ll like her writing just as much as you do!


  12. So many congratulations from me, Cleo!! I love your blog and am so very pleased that I found it (when did I find it? 3 years ago maybe?). Anyway, happy, happy blog birthday! Hope you’ll be around for another 5 and another 5. I get so many book ideas from you and I know just what you mean about find a great group that understands about our ‘passion’ for reading and talking about books. Big hugs to you!


  13. Happy 5th ‘Blirthday’, Cleo!
    It’ll be 5 for me later in the year as well, and I can’t believe how fast the years have gone.
    Here’s to many more! 🙂


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