Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (March 28)

This Week In Books
Hosted by Lipsy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

All my books this week have one thing in common – they are all being published on 5 April 2018!

I’ve just started reading Skin Deep by Liz Nugent, author of Unravelling Oliver and Lying in Wait both of which I loved.


‘I could probably have been an actress.
It is not difficult to pretend to be somebody else.
Isn’t that what I’ve been doing for most of my life?’

Cordelia Russell has been living on the French Riviera for twenty-five years, passing herself off as an English socialite. But her luck, and the kindness of strangers, have run out.

The arrival of a visitor from her distant past shocks Cordelia. She reacts violently to the intrusion and flees her flat to spend a drunken night at a glittering party. As dawn breaks she stumbles home through the back streets. Even before she opens her door she can hear the flies buzzing. She did not expect the corpse inside to start decomposing quite so quickly . . . Amazon

The last book I finished was The Killing House by Claire McGowan, the sixth book in this fantastic series featuring forensic psychologist Paula Maguire.


When a puzzling missing persons’ case opens up in her hometown, forensic psychologist Paula Maguire can’t help but return once more.

Renovations at an abandoned farm have uncovered two bodies: a man known to be an IRA member missing since the nineties, and a young girl whose identity remains a mystery.

As Paula attempts to discover who the girl is and why no one is looking for her, an anonymous tip-off claims that her own long-lost mother is also buried on the farm.

When another girl is kidnapped, Paula must find the person responsible before more lives are destroyed. But there are explosive secrets still to surface. And even Paula can’t predict that the investigation will strike at the heart of all she holds dear. Amazon

Next up I am going to be reading the debut novel by Vicky Newham called Turn a Blind Eye. I ‘met’ Vicky on social media and so have seen from afar her journey from writing to the book being accepted by HQ, and now I get to read the finished article.


A dead girl.
A wall of silence.
DI Maya Rahman is running out of time.

A headmistress is found strangled in her East London school, her death the result of a brutal and ritualistic act of violence. Found at the scene is a single piece of card, written upon which is an ancient Buddhist precept:

I shall abstain from taking the ungiven.

At first, DI Maya Rahman can’t help but hope this is a tragic but isolated murder. Then, the second body is found.
Faced with a community steeped in secrets and prejudice, Maya must untangle the cryptic messages left at the crime scenes to solve the deadly riddle behind the murders – before the killer takes another victim. Amazon

Any of these beauties take your fancy? What are you reading this week?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

31 thoughts on “This Week in Books (March 28)

  1. Surely you jest…any take my fancy? Umm…all of them. Most especially, I’m reminded that I need to catch up on the Paula Maguire series. Enjoy!


  2. You’re having a good reading week, Cleo. The Liz Nugent really does get my attention. I’ll be especially interested to see what you think of that one. I ought to get to know her writing better…


  3. The Vicky Newham one sounds interesting – I don’t remember ever coming across Buddhism in a crime novel before. Looking at the blurb of the first one makes me realise it’s probably the flies that stop me murdering people… 😉


  4. These all sound so good! Skin Deep grabbed me most because I so enjoyed Unraveling Oliver. It looks like I should also read Lying in Wait. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.


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