Posted in Weekly Posts

Stacking the Shelves (March 5)

Stacking the shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book they can all be shared.

Well funnily enough, despite my good intentions I have more new books to share with you all!

From NetGalley I am delighted to have received a copy of Lying In Wait by Liz Nugent. This author wrote one of my favourite reads of 2014, Unravelling Oliver.

Lying in wait


FROM THE NUMBER 1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF UNRAVELLING OLIVER, 2014 IBA CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR Another absorbing, twisty, brilliantly observed story of murder in high places The last people who expect to be meeting with a drug-addicted prostitute are a respected judge and his reclusive wife. And they certainly don’t plan to kill her and bury her in their exquisite suburban garden. Yet Andrew and Lydia Fitzsimons find themselves in this unfortunate situation. While Lydia does all she can to protect their innocent son Laurence and their social standing, her husband begins to falls apart. But Laurence is not as naïve as Lydia thinks. And his obsession with the dead girl’s family may be the undoing of his own. NetGalley

Lying in Wait will be published on 7 July 2016.

I also have a copy of Shot Through the Heart by Isabelle Grey, another author who has delivered great books, in fact I began my review of the first in this series, Good Girls Don’t Die by saying, ‘For anyone who thinks that the good old police procedural has had its day, think again.’

Shot through the heart



Who can you turn to, if not the police?
Essex, Christmas Day. As the residents of a small town enjoy their mince pies, shots ring out in the street. Five people are gunned down before the lone shooter turns his weapon on himself.
Grace Fisher, now Detective Inspector, is tasked with making some sense of this atrocity – all the more sensitive because the first of the victims was one of their own: a police officer. The case throws her back together with crime reporter Ivo Sweatman, but as she investigates it becomes clear that the police connection goes much deeper than she thought.
As the evidence of corruption grows and she is obstructed at every turn, Grace knows she is walking further into danger. Then, her young key witness disappears…
What far-reaching compromises will Grace have to make to safeguard the innocent? NetGalley

Shot Through the Heart will be published by Quercus on 24 March 2016

I also got through the post as a complete surprise a copy of The One In A Million Boy by Monica Wood courtesy of Headline ahead of publication on 5 April 2016.

The One in a Million Boy


Miss Ona Vitkus has – aside from three months in the summer of 1914 – lived unobtrusively, her secrets fiercely protected.
The boy, with his passion for world records, changes all that. He is eleven. She is one hundred and four years, one hundred and thirty three days old (they are counting). And he makes her feel like she might be really special after all. Better late than never…
Only it’s been two weeks now since he last visited, and she’s starting to think he’s not so different from all the rest.
Then the boy’s father comes, for some reason determined to finish his son’s good deed. And Ona must show this new stranger that not only are there odd jobs to be done, but a life’s ambition to complete . . . Goodreads

I also purchased a couple of books in a weak moment. I simply couldn’t resist a copy of Mrs Maybrick by Victoria Blake when the author commented on my recent review of The Last Woman Hanged  mentioning that she had researched and written this book about a similar poisoner in Liverpool rather than New South Wales at around the same time. I do know a little about Florence Maybrick, having read the marvellous Victorian Murderesses by Mary S. Hartman. You can find more about Victoria Blake fro her blog here

Mrs Maybrick


Florence Maybrick was a 19 year old Alabama belle when she married Liverpool cotton-broker James Maybrick in 1881. She was convicted of his murder in 1889 after arsenic was found in his corpse. However, it was never established whether she administered the poison or whether Maybrick himself took the fatal dose. This Crime Archive title examines the murder, trial and controversy through Home Office files held at The National Archives. Amazon

And lastly I bought a copy of The Narrow Bed by Sophie Hannah, book ten in the Culver Valley Crime series which I adore.

The Narrow Bed


A killer that the police are calling ‘Billy Dead Mates’ is murdering pairs of best friends, one by one.
Before they die, each victim is given a small white book…
For months, detectives have failed to catch Billy, or work out what the white books mean. And then a woman, scared by what she’s seen on the news, comes forward.
Stand-up comedian Kim Tribbeck has one of Billy’s peculiar little books. A stranger gave it to her at a gig she did a year ago. Was he Billy, and does he want to kill her? Kim has no friends and trusts no one. How – and why – could she possibly be Billy Dead Mates’ next target? Amazon

Now for an apology – I haven’t been able to answer all your lovely comments this week or visit your blogs, something I intend to rectify this weekend! I had to cross the water to the UK which caused internet access issues and then I’ve been overwhelmed at work… normal service should resume now!

PicMonkey Collage TBR

Since my last count I have read 6 books, and gained, 5, so the total has reduced by a massive 1 giving a now miniscule number of 171 books!
85 physical books
71 e-books
15 books on NetGalley


What have you found to read this week?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

33 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves (March 5)

  1. Ooh, you’ve got some fab-sounding books this week! I can’t wait to read One in a Million Boy – I have the hardback on my shelf waiting to be read too; I’ve recently read the free kindle prequel and really enjoyed it. I’m still reading quite a lot of non-fiction so I’m very interested in Mrs Maybrick – I’m going to go look for it on Amazon shortly. I hope you enjoy all of your new books and have a great week!

    Here’s my StS post for this week:


      1. It’s only about 20 pages long so really short but it’s good, I enjoyed it. I won my copy of One in a Million Boy in a twitter comp, which I was thrilled about as I’m so keen to read it… but then I got sent another copy for review so I’m thinking I might see if I can do a giveaway for the second copy. It will be a change from your crime reading but hopefully it’ll be something you enjoy. 🙂


  2. I have both Liz Nugent books still to read! I won a signed copy of Unravelling Oliver in a charity auction and it has pride of place on my bookshelf! I also have a copy of The Narrow Bed that I was given as a friend couldn’t get on with it. So many books too little time! Have a good weekend 😊


    1. I’ve read all the Sophie Hannah books in this series, some I’ve enjoyed more than others but her books are always full of surprises! Unravelling Oliver is a fantastic read, possibly one of my favourite psychological reads ever (and I’ve read a lot)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love the fact it is sitting on my bookcase waiting for me to read it! I also read lots of psychological suspense and thrillers and I am really looking forward to having a few quiet hours to get started on it! Will let you know how I get on.
        I love Sophie Hannah but some books more than others. How her brain comes up with those plots I do not know!!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your TBR watch section. You’ve got a lot of galleys right now girl….I’m kinda happy I forgot my password for the site 😀


  4. Mrs. Maybrick sounds really interesting, Cleo! And I’ll be interested to see what you thought of Lying in Wait when you get to it. Some great finds there!


  5. Oh lovely! So many wonderful books here and I still have to read UNRAVELLING OLIVER, which I do own. How fun that the true crime author told you about her research. That arsenic – quite the weapon. Always nice to see what you’ve added to your list, Cleo. Enjoy!


    1. Unravelling Oliver is amazing – it is one of the best psychological crime fiction books I’ve ever read. I do like books that link to each other and a poisoner in Liverpool as opposed to NSW at the same time was too intriguing to miss – probably just as well it’s no longer freely available!


  6. I’m partial to the occasional true crime book also though haven’t read one in a while. The best ones I can remember were written by a Home Office pathologist called Keith Simpson (who was involved in the 10 Rillington Place investigation nd the Brides in the Bath case) and another pathologist called Bernard Spilsbury. Have you read any of them?


    1. No I haven’t read the one by Keith Simpson and having checked it out I’ve put it on my wishlist although I have a feeling it won’t stay there long! I have read one about Bernard Spilsbury though which I really enjoyed.


  7. Your second find eerily reminds me of all of these news stories where someone goes on a firing rampage. I finished up the fifth installment of The 39 Clues and am halfway through the last Harry Potter book. I think my next book will be a food memoir.


  8. I think I would read all of these but the Liz Nugent one makes me want to go buy it straight away. I love Sophie Hannah too and will no doubt read at some point as I have read all her other books (I think!)


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