Posted in Book Review, Books I have read, Five Star Reads

Friday On My Mind – Nicci French

Psychological Thriller 5*s
Psychological Thriller

Well this series just keeps on getting better with this, the latest in the Frieda Klein series taking a very dark turn when Frieda being the suspect in a murder.

I have to admit I gave an audible gasp only minutes into starting this book, there is no time for a re-cap, we are straight into the action! With a dead body found in the River Thames who is closely connected Frieda, and wearing a hospital bracelet bearing her name, she instantly suspects her shadowy stalker Dean Reeve. Unsurprisingly the police don’t want to listen to Frieda’s theories. So what does Frieda do? Let the evidence play out and submit to questioning? No, of course not, she decides to investigate herself and to do that she needs to go on the run.

I love these books, our chief protagonist is an intelligent woman, a psychotherapist who works for a practice but has also worked with the police. She knows how people work and how the police investigate. Added to this we have a woman who isn’t scared to stand up for what she believes but unnervingly this just seems to get her into some (really) bad situations.

“Wherever Frieda Klein goes, a trail of chaos follows.”

Despite that she does come across as a believable character, particularly because as the series has progressed her background has become more exposed. If the chief protagonist being exceptional wasn’t enough, the supporting cast are varied and delightful. I am particularly fond of Josef, the builder and DCI Karlsson who is the only member of the police who believes in Frieda – even the Police Commissioner has decided that the number of crimes she’s been linked to, must mean that she is guilty. In many ways it is good to see how Frieda is viewed by those in charge of the investigation, DCI Hussein and DC Glenn Bryant who aren’t in awe of her in the way her circle of friends are. Other old favourite characters who crop up in this episode include her ex sister-in-law, Olivia and her niece Chloe although of course we do have some new additions to the character list. This really keep the range of characters feeling fresh yet retaining that familiar feeling which is what makes reading a series so appealing.

The game of cat and mouse is intriguing and as much as Frieda wants to protect her nearest and dearest, they want to help her. Frieda’s method of lying low relies on a fairly poor disguise and she manages to infiltrate the murdered man’s friends and family to try and gather her information. This ruse works surprisingly well and she gains a job as a nanny to one couple. In the hands of less accomplished authors this could easily have descended into farce, but with the bar of tension, raised high from the start – this was a book to read, and go with the flow and remember to breathe occasionally.

The clues needed to solve the mystery were there, but boy were they well disguised in amongst the red-herrings along the way. This isn’t a book to savour, it is designed to be read in great greedy gulps and swallowed down.
To get the most out of this book, you really do need to have read the previous books in the series, there are too many bits that you’ll miss out on without them.

I’d like to thank Penguin UK who gave me a copy of Friday on my Mind in return for my honest opinion. This book was published on 2 July 2015 – I’m really looking forward to Saturday’s episode now!

Previous Books by Nicci French featuring Frieda Klein

Blue Monday
Tuesday’s Gone
Waiting For Wednesday
Thursday’s Child


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

18 thoughts on “Friday On My Mind – Nicci French

  1. Glad you’re finding that this series is still going strong , Cleo. And Frieda is a strong character. I wonder what Saturday will bring, too…


  2. I’ve got Wednesday to read next; it’s one of these series that’s so good you don’t want it to end. It’s like Jane Casey’s books – I hoard both series so I know I’ve always got a corker to read!


  3. Glad you enjoyed! This was maybe my favorite in the series! I liked that there weren’t lots of murders, and that it was so personal for Frieda, though I was quite shocked at the beginning.


  4. I love this series, and loved this book. Great review! A favorite part: “This isn’t a book to savour, it is designed to be read in great greedy gulps and swallowed down.”

    You nailed it with your thoughts….and I hope this isn’t the end of the series, since it’s a “Friday” book. I am not ready to be done with Frieda or these characters.


  5. I’ve got my daughter into this series now, so I’ll have to hurry up and read them to pass them along! Glad I’ve managed to find a good few books she enjoys – and she has great taste, obviously!


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