Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW Wednesday (September 25)

WWW Wednesday green

Hosted by  Miz B at Should be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading Equilibrium by Evie Woolmore

I am about half-way through this book and despite my fear that this wouldn’t be for me. I am really enjoying it. The stage act of the mediums in the early twentieth century is fascinating and I have got caught up in trying to work out what happened to Dacre, Lady Amelia’s brother. This is a fantastic bargain at 99p on


Epiphany and Martha are sisters with a stage mediumship act in Edwardian London. When they are asked to give a private spiritualist reading at the home of Lady Adelia Lyward to find out the truth about her brother’s death, Martha must face up to her past. For two years ago, her affair with Lord Rafe Lyward ended in pregnant disgrace, and her attempted suicide in the River Thames. But there is more at stake than Martha’s anonymous return, for Epiphany bears the burden of restoring the equilibrium, not just to the Lywards but to her sister and ultimately to herself.

The Historical Novel Society review “recommends “Equilibrium” to readers who enjoy historical fiction with spiritualist influences.” Amazon

Find more about the other books Evie Woolmore has written here

I have just finished The Bridesmaid by Jenny Scotti which features the murder of a 16 girl in an English village populated by the worst kind of villagers

The Bridesmaid

Click on the cover to read my review

Next I plan to read The Last Boat by John F. Hanley. This book is based in Jersey at the time of the German Occupation and follows on from his first book Against the Tide.

The Last Boat
Read a little bit more about these books and the author by clicking on the book cover


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

10 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (September 25)

  1. I am currently reading Under Your Skin by Sabine Durrant. I’m just a few pages in as I snatched a couple of minutes of my lunchbreak yesterday to read, but so far so good!

    I recently finished The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell. I picked it up because I adore 1920s America and murder mysteries, so two in one was too tempting! I enjoyed it for the most part, at times it was truly intriguing and the sense of character of the narrator was great, but ultimately I found it unsatisfying, mostly because I couldn’t make head nor tail of the ending! There were too many loose ends, and I felt that the author had gone for mystifyingly vague but ended up with annoyingly uneded.

    I have Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes next on my reading table – I came across a flurry of reviews over the summer, and thought it sounded interesting!


      1. I thought that I might have just missed something, but my sister in law read it too and had the same experience. I read that they’ve commissioned a movie adaptation, so maybe they’ll think up an ending for it!


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