Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW (June 26)

WWW Wednesday is run by Taking on a World of Words.
The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Well I’m writing to you from an uncomfortable place having ‘done my back in’ which really means I did something very painful in the act of getting dressed which has meant copious amounts of strong drugs so please forgive any errors in my posts, it’s safe to say I’m not totally with it! That said in my more lucid moments which tend to be in the early hours of the morning I have managed to do some reading…

I am currently reading a psychological thriller from my 20 Books of Summer list for 2019 The Other Mrs Miller by Allison Dickson. The Other Mrs Miller is due to be published by Little, Brown Book Group UK on 16 July 2019.


Two women are watching each other.
Phoebe isn’t sure when the car started showing up. At first she put it down to the scandal around her late father, but she’s certain now it’s there for her. What’s interesting about an unhappily married housewife, who barely leaves her house?
Only one knows why.
Every morning, not long before your husband leaves for work, I wait for the blinds beside your front door to twitch. You might think I’m sitting out here waiting to break into your house and add a piece of your life to my collection. Things aren’t quite that simple. It’s not a piece of your life I want.
When a new family move in across the street, it provides Phoebe with a distraction. But with her head turned she’s no longer focused on the woman in the car. And Phoebe really should be, because she’s just waiting for an opportunity to upend Phoebe’s life… Amazon

The book I finished was ‘an uplifting debut’ Something to Live For by Richard Roper which was chosen in part to keep me going through the pain!


Sometimes you have to risk everything to find your something…

All Andrew wants is to be normal. He has the perfect wife and 2.4 children waiting at home for him after a long day. At least, that’s what he’s told people.

The truth is, his life isn’t exactly as people think and his little white lie is about to catch up with him.
Because in all Andrew’s efforts to fit in, he’s forgotten one important thing: how to really live. And maybe, it’s about time for him to start. Amazon

Next I plan on reading Those People by Louise Candlish which will be published tomorrow by Simon and Schuster.



Until Darren and Jodie move in, Lowland Way is a suburban paradise. Beautiful homes. Friendly neighbours. Kids playing out in the street. But Darren and Jodie don’t follow the rules and soon disputes over loud music and parking rights escalate to threats of violence.

Then, early one Sunday, a horrific crime shocks the street. As the police go house-to-house, the residents close ranks and everyone’s story is the same: They did it.

But there’s a problem. The police don’t agree. And the door they’re knocking on next is yours. Amazon

Fortunately given that I have a whole stack of books to be read I have a great selection to see me through.. what are you reading this week?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

25 thoughts on “WWW (June 26)

  1. Ooh, the Other Mrs Miller sounds intriguing! I haven’t read any thrillers for a while, I’m getting a bit of a craving. This one will go on my TBR. THanks for sharing!

    Here’s my WWW.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry to hear about your back. I hope you’re soon on the mend.

    I have The Other Mrs Miller and am looking forward to it. I loved Something to Live For and think it will be on my books of the year list. I’m reading The Whisper Man by Alex North.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh, so sorry to hear about your back, Cleo! I hope you’re feeling better soon! In the meantime, books are such a comfort, aren’t they? Glad you’ve found some good ‘uns to read. The Candlish sounds especially intriguing, and I hope you’ll post a review of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so very sorry about your back, Cleo! Hate when parts of me don’t work like they should and I also hate being sick and taking drugs. Sigh. Glad you are able to focus a bit on some reading. I’m looking forward to reading Louise Candlish’s book at some point. Probably not soon, but at some point. Take care of yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. All three look great but Something to Live for is absolutely intriguing me! Thanks for the reminder to get to Louise Candlish’s book, really really enjoyed her last! Great post x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh no, Cleo – I hope by now your back is feeling a little better. I’m glad you are able to pass the time by reading a little bit. These books all sound good, as usual. Now that I’m a “buyer” for my library job, I’ve started keeping a list! I like I’d especially like Something to Live For.

    Liked by 1 person

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