Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (January 30)

This Week In Books

Hosted by Lipsy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

Well we are nearly at the end of January and whilst I haven’t read anywhere near as many books as I did last year, I am back to a comfortable number per week something that I am sure has been helped by my more relaxed read what I feel attitude.

The last book I read was one that I picked up off the back of fellow blogger, Fictionophile’s review. For Reasons Unknown by Michael Wood is the first in a new crime fiction series – yes another one – and whereas previously the book would have sat on my TBR for an age while I scheduled it in, I wanted to read it, so I did! Did I like it, well you’ll have to wait for the review but I’ve bought the next in the series…


Two murders. Twenty years. Now the killer is back for more…

DCI Matilda Darke has returned to work after a nine month absence. A shadow of her former self, she is tasked with re-opening a cold case: the terrifyingly brutal murders of Miranda and Stefan Harkness.

The only witness was their eleven-year-old son, Jonathan, who was too deeply traumatized to speak a word.

Then a dead body is discovered, and the investigation leads back to Matilda’s case. Suddenly the past and present converge, and it seems a killer may have come back for more… Amazon

And I was on a roll, the book I’m currently reading I also bought a copy of because of the wonderful reviews in the blogosphere… like this one from Janal who blogs at Keeper of Pages. The Flower Girls by Alice Clark-Platts took my fancy, I bought my copy 27 January and as you can see, I’m already stuck in!



The Flower Girls. Laurel and Primrose.

One convicted of murder, the other given a new identity.

Now, nineteen years later, another child has gone missing.

And the Flower Girls are about to hit the headlines all over again… Amazon

Next up I’m reading a review copy, but as it is the eleventh in the Ruth Galloway series that I absolutely LOVE, I’m all revved up for The Stone Circle by Elly Griffiths.


DCI Nelson has been receiving threatening letters telling him to ‘go to the stone circle and rescue the innocent who is buried there’. He is shaken, not only because children are very much on his mind, with Michelle’s baby due to be born, but because although the letters are anonymous, they are somehow familiar. They read like the letters that first drew him into the case of The Crossing Places, and to Ruth. But the author of those letters is dead. Or are they?

Meanwhile Ruth is working on a dig in the Saltmarsh – another henge, known by the archaeologists as the stone circle – trying not to think about the baby. Then bones are found on the site, and identified as those of Margaret Lacey, a twelve-year-old girl who disappeared thirty years ago.

As the Margaret Lacey case progresses, more and more aspects of it begin to hark back to that first case of The Crossing Places, and to Scarlett Henderson, the girl Nelson couldn’t save. The past is reaching out for Ruth and Nelson, and its grip is deadly. Amazon

Admittedly the week is looking crime heavy, even by my standards but I certainly can’t complain.

What does your reading week look like?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

16 thoughts on “This Week in Books (January 30)

  1. Love that you’re reading whatever you want. It’s so easy to get stuck on a reading schedule determined by release dates. Sounds like it’s working for you so I hope it continues.


  2. I’m looking forward to the new Elly Griffiths, too, Cleo! And both of your other books sound terrific, too. I’m very interested to know what you think of For Reasons Unknown<; I’ve been hearing good things about that one.


  3. I think I told you that I had already finished The Stone Circle. I’ll be curious to hear what you think. Since I think you’re read the whole series, this book takes us back…which you can surmise from the blurb. That’s all I’ll say. LOL


  4. The Flower Girls certainly made me all thoughtful and philosophical about punishment vs. rehabilitation of child criminals. And isn’t it great to read what you fancy? I’ve chosen to do that this year and I’m loving it!


  5. I have For Reasons Unknown, I really need to get to it but for some reason my Kindle books always end up taking a back seat to my print copies 🙈

    And I’m thrilled to see you’re reading The Flower Girls, thank you for mentioning my review, that’s so amazing. I will most definitely be keeping an eye out for your review on that one 😉


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