Posted in Weekly Posts

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (July 24)

Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Vicky from I’d Rather Be At The Beach who posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.

This week I’m sharing the opening paragraph of The Liar’s Room by Simon Lelic which will be published in paperback on 9 August 2018. or if you want it even sooner it is out in eBook format on 27 July 2018.


Susanna Fenton has a secret. Fourteen years ago she left her identity behind, reinventing herself as a counsellor and starting a new life. It was the only way to keep her daughter safe.

But everything changes when Adam Geraghty walks into her office. She’s never met this young man before – so why does she feel like she knows him?

Then Adam starts to tell her about a girl. A girl he wants to hurt.

And Susanna realises she was wrong. She doesn’t know him. BUT HE KNOWS HER.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph ~ Intro

Who am I?

She wakes to find herself broken, and it is the first question that enters her head. The next: where am I? She feels drugged, sluggish. Her head is heavy, her senses dulled, as though she were underwater. And there is a fire in her throat. The sensation when she swallows is of trying to ingest crushed glass.
She blinks. Her vision clears but it is the smell of this place she’s in that is revealed. The room stinks of damp, booze days-old urine. It hits her and makes her gag.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ugh.. a bit of a pungent opening but as I happen to know this is an author who is able to really creep me out with his novels, I’ll get passed the stench.

What about you? Would you keep reading?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

27 thoughts on “First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (July 24)

  1. Lelic’s Rupture was quite good (did you read it?). If I’m being honest, though, I’m not sure this one’s for me. Still, I’ll wait for your verdict after you’ve read it, Cleo.


  2. I like the sound of the blurb. The opening is pretty vivid, isn’t it? Ick! However, I’d want to know what’s happening, so yes, I’d continue on.


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