Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (May 30)

This Week In Books
Hosted by Lipsy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

My current read is Us Against You by Frederik Backman, the follow up to the book I read and loved as The Scandal that has now been renamed Beartown in the UK too. Us Against You will be published on 14 June 2018.


Beartown is dying . . .

Tucked in a forest in the frozen north, Beartown’s residents are tough and hardworking. They don’t expect life to be easy, but they do expect it to be fair.

Which is why the sudden loss of their hockey players to the rival town of Hed hurts. Everyone needs something to cheer for in the long winter nights. Now they have nothing.

So when a new star player arrives, Coach Peter sees an opportunity to rebuild the team – to take on Hed and restore Beartown’s fortunes. But not everyone in town sees it his way.
As the big game between both towns approaches, the rivalry turns bitter and all too real. Once the stands rumbled with threats to ‘kill’ and ‘ruin’ each other, but the residents didn’t mean it. Now they do.

By the time the last goal is scored, someone in Beartown will be dead . . .

Us Against You is the story of two towns, two teams and what it means to believe in something bigger than yourself. It’s about how people come together – sometimes in anger, often in sorrow, but also through love. And how, when we stand together, we can bring a town back to life. Amazon

I’m still crying after my last read which was Only Child by Rhiannon Navin which has an adorable child narrator to navigate us through a world of pain.


We all went to school that Tuesday like normal. Not all of us came home.

When the unthinkable happens, six-year-old Zach is at school. Huddled in a cloakroom with his classmates and teacher, he is too young to understand that life will never be the same again.

Afterwards, the once close-knit community is left reeling. Zach’s dad retreats. His mum sets out to seek revenge. Zach, scared, lost and confused, disappears into his super-secret hideout to try to make sense of things. Nothing feels right – until he listens to his heart . . .

But can he remind the grown-ups how to love again?
Narrated by Zach, Only Child is full of heart; a real rollercoaster of a read that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the final page. Amazon

Next up, since I predict it will be June by then, I will be reading the first book from my 20 Books of Summer 2018 Challenge, Seven Days In May by Kim Izzo.


As the First World War rages in continental Europe, two New York heiresses, Sydney and Brooke Sinclair, are due to set sail for England. Brooke is engaged to marry impoverished aristocrat Edward Thorpe-Tracey, the future Lord Northbrook, in the wedding of the social calendar. Sydney has other adventures in mind; she is drawn to the burgeoning suffragette movement, which is a constant source of embarrassment to her proper sister. As international tempers flare, the German embassy releases a warning that any ships making the Atlantic crossing are at risk. Undaunted, Sydney and Brooke board the Lusitania for the seven-day voyage with Edward, not knowing that disaster lies ahead.

In London, Isabel Nelson, a young woman grateful to have escaped her blemished reputation in Oxford, has found employment at the British Admiralty in the mysterious Room 40. While she begins as a secretary, it isn’t long before her skills in codes and cyphers are called on, and she learns a devastating truth and the true cost of war.

As the days of the voyage pass, these four lives collide in a struggle for survival as the Lusitania meets its deadly fate. Amazon

So quite a different looking reading week for me this time!

What do you think? Do any of these take your fancy?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

19 thoughts on “This Week in Books (May 30)

  1. Only Child has immediately caught my eye. I’m wondering if I’d be too sensitive to it, being a teacher?


  2. Even just the blurb of Only Child gets me right in the feels! Us Against You also sounds like a really great read.

    Here’s my WWW post.


  3. Only Child really does get my attention, Cleo. It’s very hard to do a child narrator well, but when it is done well, that can be so effective. It sounds like the sort of book that stays with you for a long time after you read it…


  4. I’ve heard good things about Only Child, though I also understand that it is very emotional. Your next read looks good. I like books set on ocean voyages, though I get seasick so will not take one myself. And, of course, this one is set on the Lusitania.


  5. I love Fredrick Backman. I just recently finished A Man Called Ove, and I’m dying to read more of his work. 🙂 I’ll have to check out Beartown.


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