Posted in Weekly Posts

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (April 17)

Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Vicky from I’d Rather Be At The Beach who posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.

I’m featuring one of my upcoming reads from my own bookshelf this week; Three Martini Lunch by Suzanne Rindell, the author of one my favourite reads of 2017, The Other Typist.


‘Back in those days My Old Man was king of what they called the three-martini lunch. This meant that in dimly lit steakhouses all over Manhattan my father made bold, impetuous deals over gin and oysters. That was how it was done.’

Cliff Nelson, the privileged son of a New York publishing house editor, is slumming it around Greenwich village in 1958, enjoying the booze, drugs and the idea that he’s the next Kerouac.

Fresh-faced Eden Katz arrives in New York with the ultimate ambition to become an editor, but she’s shocked at the stumbling blocks she encounters.

Miles Tillman, a black publishing house messenger boy, is an aspiring writer who feels he straddles various worlds and belongs to none.

Their choices, concealments and betrayals ripple outwards leaving none of them unchanged. Amazon

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First Chapter ~ First Paragraph ~ Intro


Greenwich Village in ’58 was a madman’s paradise. In those days a bunch of us went around together drinking too much coffee and smoking too much cannabis and talking all the time about poetry and Nietzsche and bebop. I had been running around with the same guys I knew from Columbia – give or take a coloured jazz musician here or a benny addict there – and together we would get good and stoned and ride the subway down to Washington Square I guess you could say I liked my Columbia buddies all right. They were swell enough guys but, when you really got down to it, they were a pack of poser wannabe-poets in tweed and I knew it was only a matter of time before I outgrew them.

Well I’m not too sure what to make of Cliff from that short excerpt but I can’t wait to find out what happens when he outgrows his buddies!

Would you keep reading? Or perhaps you’ve already read this one, after all it was published in 2016


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

16 thoughts on “First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (April 17)

  1. I haven’t read this either. I’m not sure about Cliff, not such a good friend really, ready to drop his Columbia buddies … I’ll wait for your review with interest. Funny, my First Chapter title also contains the word ‘three’.


  2. I have vague memories of reading a review of this one and it did peak my interest but as Mad Men drove me mad (excuse the pun) I’m not sure this would be for me.


  3. This sounds like the buildup for a strong character study, Cleo. ‘Though I can’t say I think much of Cliff at this point, the premise sounds good, and so does the setting. I’ll be interested in what you think of it when you’ve finished.


  4. I did like The Other Typist so much and this one sounds interesting, but different. Definitely a book of the ’50’s or so it seems. I’ll watch for what you think of it.


  5. I loved The Other Typist, and also the Mad Men series…so I had to read this one. The image of deals being done over martinis does bring that era back in vivid color. So I read and loved this one. Great excerpts!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.


  6. Ooh, I’m excited! Hope you love it! I loved Cliff’s voice – I thought she got that sort of ’50s hip thing down to perfection. I loved the other two main characters too, but it’s Cliff who stands out most in my memory. Enjoy! 😀


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