Posted in Weekly Posts

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (October 31)

First Chapter
Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.

This week my opener comes from The Scandal by Fredrik Backman which was published in the US as Beartown.


For most of the year it is under a thick blanket of snow, experiencing the kind of cold and dark that brings people closer together – or pulls them apart.

Its isolation means that Beartown has been slowly shrinking with each passing year. But now the town is on the verge of an astonishing revival. Everyone can feel the excitement. A bright new future is just around the corner.

Until the day it is all put in jeopardy by a single, brutal act. It divides the town into those who think it should be hushed up and forgotten, and those who’ll risk the future to see justice done. At last, it falls to one young man to find the courage to speak the truth that it seems no one else wants to hear.

With the town’s future at stake, no one can stand by or stay silent. Everyone is on one side or the other.
Which side would you be on? Amazon

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First Chapter ~ First Paragraph ~ Intro


Late one evening towards the end of March, a teenager picked up a double-barrelled shotgun, walked into the forest, put the gun to someone else’s forehead and pulled the trigger.
This is the story of how we got there.



It’s a Friday in early March in Beartown and nothing has happened yet. Everyone is waiting. Tomorrow, the Beartown Ice Hockey Club’s junior team is playing in the semi-final of the biggest youth tournament in the country. How important can something like that be? In most places, not so important, of course. But Beartown isn’t most places.

Bang. Bang Bang-bang-bang.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I’m very fond of small-town settings in books although I have to admit shootings are one of my least favourite methods of killing so I’m looking forward to seeing how this one works out for me.

I included the first paragraph of the second chapter as the synopsis for the book starts with the first and I wanted to give you all a little more.

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

38 thoughts on “First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (October 31)

  1. I have read Frederik Backman’s other book- A man called Ove, which I loved. This one sure sounds like one I would add to my list. The first chapter’s paragraph’s suspense makes me want to turn the page for more.


  2. I too like small town settings, but the opening shootings might be too much. Still, I have a feeling I would keep reading because the blurb helps explain…

    This book seems so different from the other one I read by Backman – My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry!


  3. I hear good things about his work, Cleo, and that’s certainly an attention-getting beginning. Fascinating premise, too (although I agree with you about the gun thing). I’ll be interested in what you think of this one.


  4. I loved his other books so much, Ove particularly, but just couldn’t get into this one. I don’t know if it was my frame of mind or the book even. I’ve read a lot of love for it so I’d encourage you to keep reading! I think this title might be better than Beartown too.


  5. A resounding YES. I like the first chapter, but I didn’t need to read it to know I wanted to read this book. It is FREDRIK BACKMAN. In this case the author is all the information I needed.


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