Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (June 7)

This Week In Books
Hosted by Lipsy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

The last couple of weeks have been madly busy so as I have only just finished last week’s books I’m tweaking the format to show you my next three reads.

Up first is Winter Garden by Beryl Bainbridge, an author I only discovered relatively recently with her dark novel Harriet Said.


Quiet and reliable, Douglas Ashburner has never been much of a womaniser. So when he begins an extra-marital affair with Nina, a bossy, temperamental artist with a penchant for risky sex, he finds adultery a terrible strain.
He tells his wife that he needs a rest, so she happily packs him off for a fishing holiday in the Highlands. Only, unknown to her, Douglas is actually flying off to Moscow with Nina, as a guest of the Soviet Artists’ Union. It is then that things begin to get very complicated indeed… Amazon

Next up is Blood Sisters by Jane Corry which will be published 29 June 2017 with an intriguing premise. Blood Sisters will be published on 29 June 2017.

Two women. Two versions of the truth.
Kitty lives in a care home. She can’t speak properly, and she has no memory of the accident that put her here. At least that’s the story she’s sticking to.
Art teacher Alison looks fine on the surface. But the surface is a lie. When a job in a prison comes up she decides to take it – this is her chance to finally make things right.
But someone is watching Kitty and Alison.
Someone who wants revenge for what happened that sunny morning in May.
And only another life will do…

And then hopefully my plane trip for my holiday will be accompanied by the latest Nicci French, Saturday Requiem.


Thirteen years ago eighteen year old Hannah Docherty was arrested for the brutal murder of her family. It was an open and shut case and Hannah’s been incarcerated in a secure hospital ever since.

When psychotherapist Frieda Klein is asked to meet Hannah and give her assessment of her she reluctantly agrees. What she finds horrifies her. Hannah has become a tragic figure, old before her time. And Frieda is haunted by the thought that Hannah might be as much of a victim as her family; that something wasn’t right all those years ago.
And as Hannah’s case takes hold of her, Frieda soon begins to realise that she’s up against someone who’ll go to any lengths to protect themselves . . . Amazon

What do you think? Have you read any of these books? Do you want to?

What are you reading this week? Do share in the comments box below.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

15 thoughts on “This Week in Books (June 7)

  1. These all look great. I’m looking forward to the new Frieda Klein. I have a love-hate relationship with the Frieda character and miss French’s older single-title books, so I’m eager to see how the authors rap up this series.


  2. Ooh Blood Sisters! I’m reading that book this month too. 🙂 I hope you enjoy your reading this week.


  3. I’m currently reading Blood Sisters and really enjoying it. I love the Frieda Klien series – happy reading 🙂


  4. I haven’t read any of these books but I’d like to read all of them. I like Beryl Bainbridge’s books and have a few still to read (but not this one). Blood Sisters sounds intriguing. I’ve only read a few of Nicci French’s books, and really enjoyed them, so I hope, eventually to read Saturday Requiem.


  5. I haven’t read this Beryl Bainbridge, but she always writes really unusual and unsettling books, doesn’t she? I like the sound of this one. I always look forward to a Nicci French book, although I do miss their earlier standalones, but Frieda Klein has its advantages too.


  6. The Frieda Klein series is a good one, isn’t it, Cleo? I’m glad you have that one ready for your trip. The other two look good as well; I think you have some good reading ahead of you.


  7. The Bainbridge would be my pick, I think. “he finds adultery a terrible strain”… haha! That’s always been my position on adultery – where do people get the energy?? 😉 I should finally get around to reading Harriet Said very soon… 🙂


  8. I really enjoyed Blood Sisters, it was a strong book for me! I hope you enjoy is just as much 🙂 I love the sound if Nicci French’s book! I’ve never heard of her before but I can’t resist when a psychotherapist is involved… Maybe my therapist should worry, haha!! Happy reading!!


  9. I’ve read Blood Sisters Jane Corry and enjoyed it. I love that Jane uses her experiences of working in prisons within her books. Gives the stories an authenticity and adds to the chill factor!

    Caryl x


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