Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (December 7)

This Week In Books

Hosted by Lipsyy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

My current read is The Marriage Lie by Kimberly Belle a psychological thriller set in the US. When her husband Will dies in a plane crash that he wasn’t supposed to be on, his wife Iris questions everything that she thought she knew to be true from their seven years of marriage.


See the synopsis and a short extract in yesterday’s post

I have just finished The Stepmother by Claire Seeber. With its opening coming from Snow White we all know what this story holds, don’t we?

The Stepmother


The perfect wife. A fairytale family. Don’t believe your eyes…

Jeanie and Matthew are a happily married couple who both have teenage children from previous relationships.
No one said it would be easy to raise a blended family under one roof but Jeanie and Matthew are strong. They will make it work.
And whilst Jeanie’s step-daughter Scarlett rejects her, Jeanie will just have to try harder to win her over.
But Jeanie has a past. A terrible secret she thought she’d buried a long time ago. And now, it’s coming to the surface, threatening to destroy her new marriage.
Someone is playing a terrifying game on Jeanie and she must put a stop to it once and for all.
After all, a fairytale needs a happy ending … doesn’t it? NetGalley

Next I am going to finally read Standing in the Shadows by Jon Stasiak with a book set on the island of Jersey. Fortunately the author lives here so he shouldn’t make any errors with the setting in this novel with a murder at its heart.

Standing in the shadows


The discovery of a brutally murdered young woman has shocked a peaceful island community. Tom Nowak, photographer for the Jersey Evening Post, had been eagerly awaiting his best friend’s visit from the mainland, until accidentally capturing a series of ghostly silhouettes in his pictures. With few leads, and the impending trial of the island’s most notorious criminal, the local police force seems powerless to help. Are these ethereal shadows a way to identify and apprehend the murderer, or will Tom’s obsession in seeking justice cost him more than his career? Amazon

What are you reading this week? Do share your links and thoughts in the comments box below.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

42 thoughts on “This Week in Books (December 7)

  1. I read The Stepmother sometime this year. I can’t wait to read your review about it. I hope that you are enjoying The Marriage Lie, it looks pretty interesting. Happy reading:-)


    1. Maybe she’s just not the author for you – I’ve read most of her books and really enjoyed all bar one – including 24 Hours. The characters in this one would probably wind you up too! Thanks for visiting and leaving your link 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We just received a copy of Unsouled by Neil Shusterman from the library. I think I will let my daughter read it first, though, as she is the one who found the series 🙂


  3. Oh, that Stasiak looks really good, Cleo! I do like the Jersey setting, and it sounds very suspenseful. I’ll be keen to know what you think of it.


    1. I don’t know about you but it is always the first one I think of when someone says fairytale – and that whole wicked stepmother, is it rooted in reality or does it become a truth because it has been handed down through generations in this story?


    1. Thank you Laurel – living on such a small island this will be the first contemporary book I’ve read set here – although I do have another local author’s book on my kindle too – It’s going to be interesting to read that’s for sure.


  4. I love reading something set in an area I know well. I’m going to read a book set in my home state soon. Happy reading and thanks for participating in WWW Wednesday!


    1. I prefer books that are set in places I know but because I live on such a tiny island it isn’t often that books are set here although funnily enough I’ve read a few where a character has a brief visit!


    1. It’s really odd but I’ve kept putting off reading this because it is so unusual to have anything other than historical books set here, I’m worried that it is going to disappoint me – we are hardly an island full of crime whatever Bergerac implied 😉


  5. The Marriage Lie sounds like a great read! And how did you like The Stepmother? I read it a while ago and personally wasn’t convinced by it, but I’ve heard mixed things about it in general. I hope you will enjoy your books this week and happy reading! Here’s my WWW.


    1. I did enjoy The Stepmother but completely understand where you are coming from – there are times when the somewhat contrived storylines in this genre annoy me, other times I’m happy to go with the flow and I have a feeling it’s down to my mindset at the time rather than most of the books

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I can’t wait to read your review of The Stepmother! I had high hopes for the story but the ending let me down and I was really mad because I really enjoyed 80% of the book. The Marriage Lie sounds great. Happy reading 🙂


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