Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (April 13)

This Week In Books

Lypsyy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

At the moment I am reading The Missing Hours by Emma Kavanagh, the author of both Falling and Hidden, both of which I awarded five stars, can she make it a hat-trick? You’ll have to wait for my review to find out!

The Missing Hours

A woman disappears
One moment, Selena Cole is in the playground with her children and the next, she has vanished without a trace.
A woman returns
Twenty hours later, Selena is found safe and well, but with no memory of where she has been.
What took place in those missing hours, and are they linked to the discovery of a nearby murder? NetGalley

The Missing Hours will be published by Random House UK on 21 April 2016.

I have just finished When She Was Bad by Tammy Cohen

When She Was Bad

To read the synopsis and a short excerpt please see yesterday’s post

Next up is one of my kindle purchases, this time something a little different; The Closet of Savage Memories by Nuala Ní Chonchúir

The Closet of Savage Memories


Lillis takes a summer job working at a lodge in a small lochside village in the Scottish Highlands. Leaving home is a way to escape her sorrow and despair following the death of her boyfriend and a testy relationship with her mother, Verity.
In Scotland she encounters love and excitement but when a series of unexpected events turn her new found life on its head, she is forced to make a life-changing decision, one that will stay with her for her whole life.
The Closet of Savage Mementos is drawn directly from the author’s own experiences and explores heartbreak, loss, motherhood and adoption in a gripping narrative and the same expressive, emotive and exciting prose we have come to expect of Nuala Ní Chonchúir. Amazon

What are you reading this week? Do share your thoughts in the comments below


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

45 thoughts on “This Week in Books (April 13)

  1. Cleo, I’m reading now several books at a time, in Kindle and in paper, A Devil Under the Skin Anya Lipska’s third Kiszka & Kershaw thriller and Maigret’s First Case, Inspector Maigret #30.


  2. I spotted The Missing Hours on NetGalley but hadn’t heard of the author so didn’t request. I’m thinking maybe I should have. I hope it lives up to her previous books.


  3. As I already mentioned, I’ve recently finished When She Was Bad – and found myself uncomfortably reminded of some of my old workplaces…
    I’m currently reading a beautifully written, strangely quiet book (but with a profound sense of disquiet and menace under the surface) ‘All Things Cease to Appear’ by Elizabeth Brundage. And my next book (for reviewing purposes) will be Samantha Hayes ‘In Too Deep’, another psychological thriller which sounds very promising.


    1. I did enjoy When She Was Bad partly because those scenes were only too easy to imagine! Team bonding is the worst phrase ever invented!! I didn’t go for the Samantha Hayes as her last one disappointed me (and I have far too many books) but I will be watching out for reviews as I’ve read everything else she’s written.


  4. I’ve heard a lot of good things about The Missing Hours, Cleo, so I really hope you’re enjoying it. It certainly has a fascinating premise. And When She was Bad sounds very good, too. It’s certainly a situation a lot of us can identify with…


    1. Emma Kavanagh really does approach the difficult subjects intelligently – unfortunately it’s been a busy week so I’m hoping to get properly stuck in this weekend. Thanks for leaving your link 🙂


  5. I’m reading A Little Life and am exactly half way through and I’m in two minds about keeping reading it. There’s something about it that just doesn’t quite ring true for me about the main character. And this book is seriously long … maybe one more chapter and then I’ll decide.


      1. I’ve had a week where I’ve barely read anything too but I’m looking forward to getting back to my current reads. I hope you have time to read more of The Missing Hours soon. I’m keen to read your review of The Closet of Savage Mementos once you’ve finished reading it as it does sound intriguing. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. The Missing Hours looks really good and The Close Of Savage Mementos sounds really intriguing! I hope you’ll enjoy your books this week.

    Happy reading! Here’s my WWW.


  7. I heard a lot of praise for Nuala Ni Chonchuir during Reading Ireland month, so I hope you enjoy that one. I’ll be trying one of her short stories soon in an anthology of Irish women writers…


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