Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (March 23)

This Week In Books

Hosted by Lypsyy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

I am currently reading The One in a Million Boy by Monica Wood a quirky tale with an interesting voice

The One in a Million Boy


Miss Ona Vitkus has – aside from three months in the summer of 1914 – lived unobtrusively, her secrets fiercely protected.
The boy, with his passion for world records, changes all that. He is eleven. She is one hundred and four years, one hundred and thirty three days old (they are counting). And he makes her feel like she might be really special after all. Better late than never…
Only it’s been two weeks now since he last visited, and she’s starting to think he’s not so different from all the rest.
Then the boy’s father comes, for some reason determined to finish his son’s good deed. And Ona must show this new stranger that not only are there odd jobs to be done, but a life’s ambition to complete . . Amazon

My latest read is The Secret Poisoner by Linda Stratmann which is dense but a really interesting look at poisoners and those who tried to detect the poison for court cases.

The Secret Poisoner


Murder by poison alarmed, enthralled, and in many ways encapsulated the Victorian age. Linda Stratmann’s dark and splendid social history reveals the nineteenth century as a gruesome battleground where poisoners went head-to-head with authorities who strove to detect poisons, control their availability, and bring the guilty to justice. She corrects many misconceptions about particular poisons and documents how the evolution of issues such as marital rights and the legal protection of children impacted poisonings. Combining archival research with a novelist’s eye, Stratmann charts the era’s inexorable rise of poison cases both shocking and sad.

Next I plan on reading The Swimming Pool by Louise Candlish which is due to be published on 5 May 2016

The Swimming Pool

For the synopsis and excerpts please see yesterday’s post

So all I need now is some time to read these beauties – What are you reading this week? Please do share!


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

21 thoughts on “This Week in Books (March 23)

  1. I have to admit the title of A Boy in a Million and the cover put me off (I thought it was a children’s book), but your description of it makes me want to read it.
    I’ve had a bit of a hiatus in my reading, being so busy with the conference and also having a friend over to stay. However, last night I finally went back to my reading and finished ‘Me Talk Pretty One Day’ by David Sedaris (I especially loved his descriptions of living in France, as you can imagine). I am currently reading Sara Gran’s first crime novel in a series set in New Orleans, which is a bit quirky – remains to be seen if too much so… And my next read will probably be a book for review, the latest Cait Morgan mystery by Cathy Ace.


  2. I want to read THE SWIMMING POOL. I have her previous book on my shelf as well. And that poisoner book looks interesting. Me, I’m reading the second book in a series set in upstate New York. I’m really liking it.


  3. One in a Million Boy really does sound different to the ordinary, Cleo, in a good way. And the protagonist sounds especially interesting. I’ll be keen to know what you thought of that one when you’ve finished.


  4. The Swimming Pool sounds so good and I really like the look of The One-In-A-Million Boy as well. I hope you enjoy your books this week!

    Happy Wednesday! Here’s my WWW.


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