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First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (February 23)

First Chapter

Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.

My first paragraph this week comes from The Field of Blood by Denise Mina, the first in the Paddy Mehan series.

The Field of Blood


When the body of a four-year-old boy is found tortured and battered to death, it is assumed the child has been the victim of a vicious sexual predator. Instead the police are led, not to the house of an adult killer, but to the doors of two eleven-year-old boys.
Fresh from school, Paddy Meehan has just started work on the Scottish Daily News. Determined to be an investigative journalist, she also wants to be financially independent. But her colleagues — hard-drinking chauvinists to a man — believe a woman’s place to be in the home, and preferably in the bedroom. And Paddy’s family too: all they want is for her to get married to her fiancé, Sean, and have children of her own. Then Paddy discovers that one of the boys charged with the child’s murder is Sean’s cousin, Callum. Soon Callum’s name is all over the News, and her family blames Paddy. Shunned by Sean and those closest to her, Paddy finds herself dangerously alone.
Set in Glasgow in 1981, a time of hunger strikes, riots and unemployment that decimate the old industrial heartlands, The Field of Blood is the first in a stunning new crime series featuring Paddy Meehan. Infused with Mina’s unique blend of dark humour, personal insights and the social injustices that pervade society, this is a novel that will grip the reader while challenging our perceptions of childhood innocence, crime and punishment, right or wrong. Goodreads

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First Chapter ~ First Paragraph ~ Intro

Small Wonders

They were still travelling, into the dark They had been travelling for a long time and in Brian’s mind every inch of every step took him away from his mother, and She was all he wanted in the world.
He couldn’t cry. They hurt him when he cried. He thought of Her, the softness of her breast, her fingers with the rings, how the world was warmer when she was there, and he struggled for breath, his bottom lip bumping noisily against his teeth. James the boy sitting by his side, slapped him hard on the ear.

That opening is all the more chilling when the softness of Brian’s mother is right up against the violence of James. A difficult subject matter in this one… but I do like the young Paddy Mehan’s character, her ambition to be a journalist against the odds is very appealing.

So what do you think? Would you read on?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

36 thoughts on “First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (February 23)

  1. I love Paddy Meehan, I think she’s my favourite Denise Mina heroine. They actually made a TV version of this but I think it was only shown in Scotland and at a ridiculous time like 10.35 when you’re bound to miss it as you’re too busy in bed reading – or heading there. I do wish they’d show it again. I might investigate if you can get the DVD.


  2. I really like Denise Mina’s writing, Cleo. This one has just such a sad, sad theme, though, doesn’t it? It’s one of those books that is very difficult to read on that score. I’ll be keen to know how you feel about it when you’ve finished.


  3. I have wanted to begin reading some of Denise Mina’s books for a long time. The beginning of this one is tough to read, but I’d persevere I imagine. Have you read any of her other books? I might actually already own this one. I need to go look.


  4. As a lover of mysteries and thrillers, Denise Mina’s books have been on my radar for years! I’ve inferred that her work is gritty and dark, but enjoyable.

    I don’t know why I haven’t started one… I hear that this is a good one, and I like that there is a newspaper reporter involved. I’m old enough to feel sad about the way print newspapers are being shoved aside for tv & internet news. I would definitely read this and thanks for the reminder to pick up the first book of one of her series next trip to the library.


  5. As the mother of a four year old, the beginning sends extra chills down my spine. I am curious about this one though. The author is on my must read list. I’ve heard good things about her books.


  6. From this opening, I can see that this author is a very powerful writer. However, to be honest, I can’t read this type of thing at all — I’m much too sensitive. I remember reading “The Exorcist” years ago, and not being able to sleep for an ENTIRE week! And I never saw the movie, btw.

    I do hope you enjoy reading this book, though. Thanks so much for dropping by and commenting on my own Tuesday Intros post!! 🙂


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