Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week In Books (November 11)

This Week In Books

Hosted by Lypsyy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

At the moment I am reading The Secret by the Lake by Louise Douglas a book that has plenty of secrets to be uncovered before they are repeated in the present.

The Secret by the Lake

You can read a taster and the description for this book in yesterday’s post

The last book I finished was As Good As Dead by Elizabeth Evans, a disquieting tale which is due to be published on 19 November 2015.

As Good As Dead


Endearingly flawed and battered-around-the-edges, Charlotte has managed to fashion herself a life that balances marriage and a writing career, but now Esmé, the charming friend Charlotte betrayed at university, stands at Charlotte’s door: Surprise!
Charlotte yearns to make amends, but she’s wary. Esmé makes no mention of Charlotte’s old betrayal and the two resume their friendship, but soon enough a request from Esmé will upend Charlotte’s careful world.
Suspenseful, witty, with spot-on evocations of university life in the late 1980s, As Good as Dead performs an exquisite psychological high-wire act, exploring loves and friendships poisoned by secrets and fears. NetGalley

My review will follow shortly

Next on my list is The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley, a book I was inspired to buy after half-watching the TV adaption.

The Go-Betweeen


When one long, hot summer, young Leo is staying with a school-friend at Brandham Hall, he begins to act as a messenger between Ted, the farmer, and Marian, the beautiful young woman up at the hall. He becomes drawn deeper and deeper into their dangerous game of deceit and desire, until his role brings him to a shocking and premature revelation. Goodreads

What are you reading this week? Please share!


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

28 thoughts on “This Week In Books (November 11)

  1. Ah, The Go-Between is such a classic coming of age story – and the fools that grown-ups make of themselves… some beautiful passages.
    Student life in the late 1980s sounds like something I could almost remember myself (was there only a few years later), and negotiating tricky female friendships is such a good subject so I am tempted by As Good as Dead, although I really need to stop getting books off Netgalley.
    I was in the midst of reading ‘Morgue Drawer Four’ by Jutta Profijt (in which a dead man gets the pathologist who performs an autopsy on him to help him discover who pushed him off a bridge), but then popped into the local library and saw ‘Friday on My Mind’ by Nicci French, so couldn’t resist getting it and dived right into it.


  2. The Go Between I remember reading many many years ago and sympathising with the young boy who is thrust into that role . The TV adaptation recently did a fine job of showing how much the adults manipulated him.


  3. I enjoyed the recent TV adaption of The Go Between. I’ve had a copy on my shelves for years, unread. Hopefully I will get round to it. Interested to read your review of the Elizabeth Evans. I,be just posted review on my site. It’s one of those I’d welcome a second opinion of as I’m not convinced. ………


  4. They all seem like good choices. I remember reading the Go Between years ago (like some other hear) and really enjoyed it. Just about to start on A Brief History of Seven Killings.


  5. Oh, those all look like absorbing reads, Cleo. I really do want to read the Douglas, and the other two look compelling as well. You’re having a good week of reading!


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