Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (November 4)

This Week In Books

Hosted by Lypsyy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

At the moment I am reading The Silent Dead by Claire McGown, this, the third in the Paula McGuire series will be published on 19 November 2015.

The Silent Dead

You can read a taster and the description for this book in yesterday’s post

I have recently finished Lost Girls by Angela Marsons which is of the same exceptionally high standard as her previous two books; Silent Scream and Evil Games

Lost Girls


Two girls go missing. Only one will return.
The couple that offers the highest amount will see their daughter again. The losing couple will not. Make no mistake. One child will die.
When nine-year-old best friends Charlie and Amy disappear, two families are plunged into a living nightmare. A text message confirms the unthinkable; that the girls are the victims of a terrifying kidnapping.
And when a second text message pits the two families against each other for the life of their children, the clock starts ticking for D.I. Kim Stone and the squad.
Seemingly outwitted at every turn, as they uncover a trail of bodies, Stone realises that these ruthless killers might be the most deadly she has ever faced. And that their chances of bringing the girls home alive, are getting smaller by the hour…
Untangling a dark web of secrets from the families’ past might hold the key to solving this case. But can Kim stay alive long enough to do so? Or will someone’s child pay the ultimate price? NetGalley

Next up I will be reading As Good As Dead by Elizabeth Evans

As Good As Dead


Endearingly flawed and battered-around-the-edges, Charlotte has managed to fashion herself a life that balances marriage and a writing career, but now Esmé, the charming friend Charlotte betrayed at university, stands at Charlotte’s door: Surprise!
Charlotte yearns to make amends, but she’s wary. Esmé makes no mention of Charlotte’s old betrayal and the two resume their friendship, but soon enough a request from Esmé will upend Charlotte’s careful world.
Suspenseful, witty, with spot-on evocations of university life in the late 1980s, As Good as Dead performs an exquisite psychological high-wire act, exploring loves and friendships poisoned by secrets and fears. NetGalley

What are you reading this week? Please share!

See what I’ve been reading in 2015 here


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

30 thoughts on “This Week in Books (November 4)

  1. I’ve heard of all these books and hope to read them at some point, but have to get through my own far too substantial pile first. Hope you enjoy them!
    I’m currently reading Fall of Man in Wilmslow – about the death of Alan Turing. I thought I knew quite a lot about his life, but it’s interesting to have it turned into crime fiction.
    I’ve recently finished Julia Franck’s West about life in refugee camps in West Germany – at a time when those camps were probably less overflowing than now. And I’ll be starting I Was Jack Mortimer soon – it’s all about German Lit Month and I’m not sure I’ll get a chance to read much else, as I have so many deadlines coming up.


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