Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week In Books (April 1)

This Week In Books

Hosted by Lypsyy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

I am currently reading Disclaimer by Renee Knight which is due to be published on 9 April 2015



What if you realized the book you were reading was all about you?
When an intriguing novel appears on Catherine’s bedside table, she curls up in bed and begins to read.
But as she turns the pages she is sickened to realize the story will reveal her darkest secret.
A secret she thought no one else knew. NetGalley

I have just finished The Ladies of the House by Molly McGrann

My review will follow shortly but you can read the opening paragraph in yesterday’s post.
The Ladies of the house

Next I am planning to read Normal by Graeme Cameron



He lives in your community, in a nice house with a well-tended garden. He shops in your grocery store, bumping shoulders with you and apologizing with a smile. He drives beside you on the highway, politely waving you into the lane ahead of him.
What you don’t know is that he has an elaborate cage built into a secret basement under his garage. And the food that he’s carefully shopping for is to feed a young woman he’s holding there against her will—one in a string of many, unaware of the fate that awaits her.
This is how it’s been for a long time. It’s normal… and it works. Perfectly.
Then he meets the checkout girl from the 24-hour grocery. And now the plan, the hunts, the room… the others. He doesn’t need any of them anymore. He needs only her. But just as he decides to go straight, the police start to close in. He might be able to cover his tracks, except for one small problem—he still has someone trapped in his garage.
Discovering his humanity couldn’t have come at a worse time. Goodreads

What are you reading this week? Please share in the comments box below.

See what I’ve been reading in 2015 here


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

34 thoughts on “This Week In Books (April 1)

  1. ‘Normal’ sounds so chilling. I’m a bit ‘over’ the whole women being kidnapped scenario (it just makes me uncomfortable and I feel it’s been overdone), but I believe a read an interview with the author and he said how he’s always been amused by the fact that after a horrific event like a shooting or a kidnapping or a serial killer unmasking happens, family, friends and neighbours always say: ‘But he seemed so nice and normal…’ And this is about a guy trying to go ‘straight’ – intriguing premise…

    I’m trying to read far too much simultaneously, as I’ve got some reviews coming up very soon. I’m reading ‘Pleasantville’ by Attica Locke, which is both a good thriller and full of American election politics (timely for the UK perhaps?). Also Ben Byrne’s ‘Fire Flowers’, which is a love story set in the immediate post-war period in Japan – really moving! And still ploughing through the ‘Great War’ – not that it’s dreary but it’s really long!


    1. I think I read the same interview that you did which prompted me to request this one, it did sound like it looks at the man from a different perspective. Fire Flowers has already taken my fancy….


  2. You’ve got some interesting reads, Cleo. I’d like to try Ladies of the House , myself. And Disclaimer has such an interesting premise. I’ll be keen to know what you think when you’ve finished it.


  3. I have these three, still to read! I’ve also got Pleasantville by Attica Locke, which a kind publicist sent me – I’d so wanted it, I had to ask her if she was the book psychic! Marina, be so glad you’re not in the UK at the moment as all this election stuff is getting rather turgid – although I do like seeing Nicola Sturgeon run rings round the men! What’s the deal where you are Cleo – I’ve never heard mention of MPs for the Channel Islands? This is such a thick question, but you are governed independently, yes? As I know they’re a tax haven…?


    1. How amazing the publicist sent you just what you wanted! We have an independent government (called The States of Jersey) in Jersey and individuals stand as Senators from each of the 12 parishes. There are no political parties and we usually lag behind the UK on laws although we brought the smoking ban in 6 months earlier! All fiscal policies are made by the States including income tax (which we pay) and GST which is currently an additional 5% on all items including food. Cost of living is high here despite being a tax haven 😉 Unfortunately we don’t get to avoid the electioneering as we share UK TV haha


      1. That was weird with Pleasantville – she was sending me Gun Street Girl, and threw that in! Another time a publicist threw a hardback of Eva Dolan’s Tell No Tales in, which was so wonderful of her! I’m embarrassed at not knowing all that, despite doing Politics as part of my Uni course (which I did not finish – full disclosure!) I assume the income tax is lower than here, then – does that mean employers take advantage and make wages lower, in some cases? I’ve actually known a few people go to work there, one as he sails yachts for people (sounds great!) He loved it; he was in Guensey. I’d love to go.


        1. I don’t suppose our politics make up much of any uni course. Yes income tax is lower but because there is a limited pool of workers and there are restrictions on how many people a company can employ if they’ve lived here for less than 5 years, there are also restrictions on where you can live depending on categories. On the whole apart from the cost of living we don’t do too badly 😉


  4. Normal sounds as if it might have the potential to be a bit like Mr Heming… a horrible character that you can’t help liking anyway. I’ll be interested to hear what you have to say about it…


  5. Ooh! Disclaimer is book that I now want to read!

    Waiting to read your review of The Ladies of the House.

    I keep thinking of taking this tag up but Wednesdays and blogging doesn’t seem to pan out. I think I get mid-week blues 🙂


    1. I have to admit I tend to write a lot of my posts at the weekend and then schedule them… This post has to be finely judged so that I don’t end up lying about what I’m reading 😉 Review for Ladies of the House should be up very soon.


  6. Every time I visit your blog I discover new titles I just have to read! Normal sounds like the perfect thriller for the coming winter months here in Argentina, I will be looking out for your thoughts on that one.

    Here’s my WWW.


    1. I hadn’t realised you were in Argentina, so we’re looking forward to an end to the wind and rain while you have winter approaching! I’m quite intrigued about Normal, from what I’ve read it should be a good read. Thanks for visiting and leaving your link 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m still getting used to the mixed up seasons myself, even after five years… Somehow celebrating Christmas in the middle of Summer doesn’t feel right. 😉
        I will look out for your review on Normal!

        Liked by 1 person

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