Posted in Weekly Posts

Musing Mondays (February 2)

Musing Mondays

Hosted by Should Be Reading
Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme that asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer:

  • I’m currently reading…
  • Up next I think I’ll read…
  • I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
  • I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I can’t wait to get a copy of…
  • I wish I could read ___, but…
  • I blogged about ____ this past week…

I am currently reading The Book of Lost and Found by Lucy Foley. I’m in need of something a little uplifting at the moment and this book which promises a sweeping classic romance, and from what I’ve read so far I can’t disagree and I love a story where the narrative dives into the past to tell the tale.

The Book of Lost and Found


In many ways, my life has been rather like a record of the lost and found. Perhaps all lives are like that.
It’s when life started in earnest
The paths of Tom and Alice collide against a haze of youthful, carefree exuberance. And so begins a love story that finds its feet by a lake one silvery moonlit evening . . .
It’s when there were no happy endings
PARIS, 1939
Alice is living in the City of Light, but the pain of the last decade has already left its mark. There’s a shadow creeping across Europe when she and Thomas Stafford – now a world famous artist – find each other once more . . .
It’s when the story begins
LONDON, 1986
Bequeathed an old portrait from her grandmother, Kate Darling uncovers a legacy that takes her to Corsica, Paris and beyond. And as the secrets of time fall away, a love story as epic as it is life-changing slowly reveals itself . . . Amazon

I have just finished The Exit by Helen FitzGerald which features a young woman, Catherine, in her early twenties and Rose Price an elderly woman in her eighties who suffers from dementia. An intriguing read from the author of The Cry

My review will follow later this week

The Exit

Next up I am going to read Follow The Leader by Mel Sherratt, the second in the DS Allie Shenton series which started with Taunting The Dead, a gritty crime novel set in Stoke-On-Trent.
Follow The Leader


A man’s body is found on a canal towpath. In his pocket, a magnetic letter in the shape of an E.
Days later, a second victim is found, this time with the letter V tucked into her clothing.
As the body count rises, the eerie, childlike clues point to a pattern that sends DS Allie Shenton and her colleagues into full alert.
The race is on. Allie and the team must work quickly to determine where the killer will strike next. The rules are simple but deadly—to catch the killer, they must follow the leader. Amazon

What are you reading this week? Please share in the comments box below.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

22 thoughts on “Musing Mondays (February 2)

  1. I like the sound of them all! You’re sorely tempting me, but I have more than enough on my plate with my reviewing and my TBR challenge.
    I’ve just finished Frances Fyfield’s psychological thriller ‘The Art of Drowning’ – which I didn’t like as much as some of her other books (felt a bit too obvious to me, not enough suspense). I’m currently reading Karim Miske’s Arab Jazz, which is an intriguing mix of thriller, anthropology of Paris of the 19th arrondissment and French philosophical shrugging. And I’ll probably be reading next (for reviewing purposes) Michel Bussi’s ‘After the Crash’ – just translated into English.


    1. Oh Marina, I haven’t read any Frances Fyfield for ages! This is the problem with these posts I always get sucked into wanting even more books! I am trying really hard to read some that I already own this year!


  2. I know what you mean about needing to read something uplifting sometimes,Cleo. I hope you’ll enjoy all of The Book of Lost and Found. I thought The Cry was a terrific read, so I’m eager to read this next Fitzgerald – good to hear you liked it.


  3. You do enjoy your books with different timelines, don’t you? I do too. I’m not aware of the first book, but I intend to need the next two – and I love Frances Fyfield too; she’s kind of slipped off my radar (which is very full as it is!)


    1. I bumped The Book of Lost and Found up the list as I needed something less harrowing to start February. I wouldn’t pick a contemporary romance as rule but if it is combined with a mystery from the past then somehow it’s much more appealing.. I know there is no real logic but hey!


  4. A book blogger i read mentioned how she wanted to read so many historical romances this new year. That stuck in my head as i haven’t read a good bodice for quite some time. So after a hunt on Goodreads for a list of new, HR authors since the ones i used to read now do modern day romance thrillers, I am reading this genre and trying out new authors. I’m on a third book: Just Like Heaven by Julia Quinn.


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