Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW Wednesday (October 15)

WWW Wednesday green

Hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading The Lost Empress by Steve Robinson, the latest from the genealogical mystery series featuring Jefferson Tate

The Lost Empress


On a foggy night in 1914, the ocean liner Empress of Ireland sank en route to England and now lies at the bottom of Canada’s St Lawrence River. The disaster saw a loss of life comparable to the Titanic and the Lusitania, and yet her tragedy has been forgotten. When genealogist Jefferson Tayte is shown a locket belonging to one of the Empress’s victims, a British admiral’s daughter named Alice Stilwell, he must travel to England to understand the course of events that led to her death. Tayte is expert in tracking killers across centuries. In The Lost Empress, his unique talents draw him to one of the greatest tragedies in maritime history as he unravels the truth behind Alice’s death amidst a backdrop of pre-WWI espionage. NetGalley

I have recently finished a truly chilling tale, The Cold Cold Sea by Linda Huber, where a young child, Olivia goes missing on a beach. Olivia’s mother refuses to leave the holiday cottage desperate to know what happened to her daughter. Another mother is getting her daughter ready for her first day at school but the teacher soon realises that there is something wrong with Hailey…

Click on the book cover for my review

The Cold Cold Sea

Next I am going to read The Twilight Hour by Nicci Gerrard, one half of the author team Nicci French.

The Twilight Hour


Eleanor Lee is fiercely independent. She has lived alone well into her nineties, despite her now near-total blindness. Now, finally, she has been persuaded by her children to move into a home.
She employs Peter, a recent graduate nursing a broken heart, to spend the summer sorting through her attic – papers, photographs, books and letters – ahead of the move.
These fragments of her own history unleash in Eleanor a long-concealed story of forbidden love, betrayal, passion, grief and self-sacrifice; and in their unlikely friendship, something is unlocked in Peter’s heart, too. NetGalley

What are you reading this week? Do share!


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

24 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (October 15)

  1. I like the sound of all these books, Cleo, but simply cannot add to my TBR at the moment. I’ve calculated that if I read all the books I already have and then all the ones on my TBR pile, without adding any new ones, without any impulse borrowing from libraries, and continue reading at the breakneck pace of 150 books a year, then I might finish in about 5 years.


    1. I do love adding suggestions to other people’s lists. Jefferson Tayte is a great series, my favourite so far is To The Grave mainly because I love this period of history. I always learn something new in these books too.


  2. Cleo – I like Steve Robinson’s Jefferson Tayte series, so I’ll be really interested in what you think of his latest. And I remember thinking how chilling The Cold, Cold Sea seemed. You’ve got some good reads there…


    1. Yes it is The Empress of Ireland sank in May 2014, One of the reasons I love this series is not only is there a mystery but I always learn something new along the way. This one is about spies in Britain during WWI – fascinating stuff.


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