Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW Wednesday (October 8)

WWW Wednesday green

Hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading Summer of Ghosts by P.D. Viner the sequel to The Last Winter of Dani Lancing

Summer of Ghosts


It begins with a father calling his daughter, but whoever answers is not Pia but his daughter’s killer. He must listen, horrified, to the sounds of his only child being murdered, powerless to intervene as the killer utters two chilling words.
Most men’s thoughts would turn to vengeance but Pia’s father is far more resourceful than most. And he is not the reserved businessman his daughter always believed him to be but Franco, a notorious London drug lord who will call in all his debts to find his daughter’s killer. Including the one owed to him by DI Tom Bevans.
Only Tom is a man haunted by his own grief and every unsolved case weighs heavily against his soul. And Tom has heard the killer’s words before. Goodreads

I have just finished reading the fantastic Good Girls Don’t Die by Isabelle Grey which is the start of a brand new series featuring Detective Sergeant Grace Fisher.

Click on the book cover to read my review

Good Girls Don't Die

Next I am going to read The Flavours of Love by Dorothy Koomson

The Flavours of Love


‘I’m looking for that perfect blend of flavours; the taste that used to be you.’
It’s been 18 months since my husband was murdered and I’ve decided to finish writing The Flavours of Love, the cookbook he started before he died. Everyone thinks I’m coping so well without him – they have no idea what I’ve been hiding or what I did back then to protect my family. But now that my 14-year-old daughter has confessed a devastating secret, and my husband’s killer, who was never caught, has started to write to me, I know it’s only a matter of time before the truth about me and what I’ve done will be revealed.
My name is Saffron Mackleroy and this is my story. Amazon

What are you reading this week?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

33 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (October 8)

  1. Currently reading : Twilight Of The Eastern Gods by Ismael Kadare …a young writer spends time at the Gorky Institute in Soviet Union.
    Just finished : Some Luck by Jane Smiley ….the first part of a new Trilogy following the Longdon family through 20th Century US history…will review soon.
    Next to read : The Assassination Of Margaret Thatcher by Hilary Mantell ….can’t resist it after all the publicity !


  2. Currently reading : Looking for Alaska by John Green
    Just finished : The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
    Next to read : Love in the Time of Cholera


  3. Ah, I say to myself, she’s been reading two rather grim books and needs a nice cookbook to recover… then I read the blurb for the third one! Goodness gracious!
    Am reading: Sidney Chambers and the Perils of the Night by James Runcie
    Just read (reread): Crossbones Yard by Kate Rhodes
    Will be reading: La Fee Carabine by Daniel Pennac
    OK, so all of mine are kind of crime-y as well…


    1. Haha – I decided I needed to let up on the grim books for a while and picked this one from my rather large backlog of books I own. I enjoyed Crossbones Yard too and will be interested to see your thoughts on the James Runcie.


  4. Cleo – You have some really interesting choices here! I remember thinking Good Girls Don’t Die sounded good, and The Flavours of Love sounds like one of those books where there’s more to everything than it seems on the surface. I’ll be interested to see what you think of it.


    1. I do enjoy Dorothy Koomson’s books, they look quite chick-lit but cover some complex issues but this should be a considerably lighter read than my present one. Good Girls Don’t Die was just my kind of read and I’m already looking forward to the next one in the series 😉


  5. I have Summer of Ghosts on my bookcase and will hopefully read it soon. I’m currently reading The man who mistook his wife for a hat by Oliver Saks (non fiction) and will be reading Crossbones Yard by Kate Rhodes for our book club meeting next week, next. 🙂


  6. Good Girls Don’t Die sounds interesting, and the cover of Summer Of Ghosts is just gorgeous! Interesting blurb as well, I will definitely add both to my TBR list.


      1. It probably won’t be soon as I have so many books I already own I still need to read, but I will definitely be on the look out for a copy of the two.


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