Posted in Weekly Posts

Friday Finds (May 30)

Friday Finds Hosted by Should be Reading

FRIDAY FINDS showcases the books you ‘found’ and added to your To Be Read (TBR) list… whether you found them online, or in a bookstore, or in the library — wherever! (they aren’t necessarily books you purchased).

So, come on — share with us your FRIDAY FINDS!

There has been an intervention in this house and apparently I am only allowed to have five new books a month or I have a forfeit. I haven’t agreed to this proposal and since I get my books in both formats and from different sources I’m not sure how the counting is going to work….

I have nothing from NetGalley to share this week which has helped bring my percentage of reviewed to approved items to an all time high of 79.7%!

I did however manage to bag myself a copy of The Kill by Jane Casey from Amazon Vine (thank you for the heads up FictionFan) which has been pushed right to the top of the pile right against my scheduling but I simply can’t wait to read this, the fifth, book in the Maeve Kerrigan series

The Kill


The tabloid headlines are lurid but accurate. A killer is terrorising London but this time it is the police who are the targets. And Maeve Kerrigan and her boss Josh Derwent are clueless as to why.
But it will only be a matter of time before the murderer selects his next victim. Amazon

While I was browsing I also managed to select a copy of The Murder Bag by Tony Parsons as another crime fiction author is just what I need to add to my TBR.

The Murder Bag

Twenty years ago seven rich, privileged students became friends at their exclusive private school, Potter’s Field. Now they have started dying in the most violent way imaginable.
Detective Max Wolfe has recently arrived in the Homicide division of London’s West End Central, 27 Savile Row.
Soon he is following the bloody trail from the backstreets and bright lights of the city, to the darkest corners of the internet and all the way to the corridors of power.
As the bodies pile up, Max finds the killer’s reach getting closer to everything – and everyone – he loves.
Soon he is fighting not only for justice, but for his own life .. Goodreads

I was delighted to discover that Ruth Rendell has a new book out, The Girl Next Door, due to be published 14 August 2014, which I simply can’t resist. Not only is the subject a historical crime the setting is in Loughton, Essex, an area I visited regularly as a child.

The Girl Next Door

When the bones of two severed hands are discovered in a box, an investigation into a long buried crime of passion begins. And a group of friends, who played together as children, begin to question their past.
‘For Woody, anger was cold. Cold and slow. But once it had started it mounted gradually and he could think of nothing else. He knew he couldn’t stay alive while those two were alive. Instead of sleeping, he lay awake in the dark and saw those hands. Anita’s narrow white hand with the long nails painted pastel pink, the man’s brown hand equally shapely, the fingers slightly splayed.’
Before the advent of the Second World War, beneath the green meadows of Lough ton, Essex, a dark network of tunnels has been dug. A group of children discover them. They play there. It becomes their secret place.
Seventy years on, the world has changed. Developers have altered the rural landscape. Friends from a half-emembered world have married, died, grown sick, moved on or disappeared.
Work on a new house called Warlock uncovers a grisly secret, buried a lifetime ago, and a weary detective, more preoccupied with current crimes, must investigate a possible case of murder. Amazon

I came across a great review of Before The Fall by Juliet West on the blog  A Lover Of Books , another World War I story for the anniversary of the start of the Great War, this has been added (but not yet purchased) to the TBR.

Click on the book cover to read A Lover of Books Review


Last up this week is a kindle bargain (I know I this is a habit I thought I’d cracked) for 99p I now have a copy of the first in the Aector McAvoy series Dark Winter by David Mark as I really did enjoy Sorrow Bound , the third in this series earlier this year.Dark Winter


McAvoy lets his mind drift back to the chaos and bloodshed in the square. To that moment when the masked man appeared from the doorway of the church and looked into his eyes.
‘Is there anything distinctive, Sarge?’ asks Nielsen.
‘Yes’, he says, with the sudden sense that memory is important.
‘There were tears in his eyes.’
DS Aector McAvoy is a man with a troubled past. His unwavering belief in justice has made him an outsider in the police force he serves.
When three seemingly unconnected people are brutally murdered in the weeks before Christmas, the police must work quickly to stop more deaths. It is only McAvoy who can see the connection between the victims. A killer is playing God – and McAvoy must find a way to stop the deadly game. Goodreads

Have you found any good books to read this week?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

27 thoughts on “Friday Finds (May 30)

  1. Sorry to hear about the intervention. Five new books a month doesn’t seem quite enough… 😉

    Great finds this week, as always. Enjoy!


  2. As long as the intervention is only regarding books in paper format – I wouldn’t worry too much, Cleo. My intervention came along with two different ebook readers. And I still may get the odd book in paper format. 😉


    1. Unjust was the word that sprang to mind! In my opinion if you don’t have a proper way to police your policy it is pretty much worthless. It wasn’t a great start to come home the other day and have the two books from Vine waiting for me 🙂


  3. Haha! I wish they’d come and do an intervention for me too! I’m just about to finish The Kill – another goodie. I’ll be interested to hear your view. And also of The Murder Bag – the reviews I’ve seen have been so mixed that I can’t decide whether to read it or not. However, I won’t be following you down the David Mark path, that’s for sure… 😉


    1. Good to know Jane Casey has served up another one. I’m hoping to start it this weekend. I wasn’t sure about The Murder Bag and then I read the mixed reviews and wanted to know what side of the fence I sat on, of course adding another book to the pile 😉 I had a feeling that you wouldn’t approve of the David Mark 🙂


    1. I have pointed out that a lot of my books are free and I have lots on kindle but apparently it is a hard and fast rule. See my post I am not going to survive on a ration of five a month! 😉


  4. Five books a month? What?!? That’s not enough for us bookworms! I guess that means you have to be very picky about your reads. Looks like you’ve got a nice lineup of thrillers here!


    1. I think the point is that I’m supposed to be reading some of the ones I own but are yet unread… which I have to concede would be a good idea but I read everyone’s blogs and get attracted to the more than five a week! I know I will love the Jane Casey and I’m intrigued to find out what I think of Tony Parson’s foray into crime.


  5. Hi Cleo,

    What the eye doesn’t see stashed away on your e-reader surely can’t be counted towards your curfew level!

    To be honest though, I have myself on something of a book buying curfew, as we (I) have so many books stacked layers deep, on just about every bookshelf in the house, with many more archived on my Kindle! Working in a charity shop means that I get to buy books at a discount off the already ridiculously low prices, so as long as I continue to volunteer, I am set for life with a huge choice of titles and genres!

    Your ‘Friday Finds’ is very similar to the ‘Mailbox Monday’ post, in which I participate. I love the sound of the Ruth Rendell story and I am keen to check out Tony Parsons diversification from his usual genre and writing style.

    Thanks for the feature, 2 more for my invisible list!! have a great weekend,



    1. Yvonne, I would be a disaster working with all the books in the charity shop! I really like the sound of the Ruth Rendell too although her later books haven’t been up to the high standard of the earlier ones. My feeling about the policy is that there must be a way to police it properly and I think the kindle additions will be hard to find 🙂


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