Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW Wednesday (April 16)

WWW Wednesday green

Hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading The Telling Error by Sophie Hannah this is the ninth book in the Culver Valley Series.

The Telling Error


Stuck in a traffic jam, Nicki Clements sees a face she hoped never to see again. It’s definitely him, the same police officer, stopping each car on Elmhirst Road. Keen to avoid him, Nicki does a U-turn and makes a panicky escape.
Or so she thinks. The next day, Nicki is pulled in for questioning in connection with the murder of Damon Blundy, controversial newspaper columnist and resident of Elmhirst Road.
Nicki can’t answer any of the questions detectives fire at her. She has no idea why the killer used a knife in such a peculiar way, or why ‘HE IS NO LESS DEAD’ was painted on Blundy’s study wall. And she can’t explain why she avoided Elmhirst Road that day without revealing the secret that could ruin her life.
Because although Nicki is not guilty of murder, she is far from innocent . . . Amazon

I have recently finished The Last Boat Home by Dea Brøvig

Click on the book cover to read my review

The Last Boat Home


Next I am going to read Before You Die by Samantha Hayes

Before You Die

Oh God, please don’t let me die.
It has taken nearly two years for the Warwickshire village of Radcote to put a spate of teenage suicides behind it.
Then a young man is killed in a freak motorbike accident, and a suicide note is found among his belongings. A second homeless boy takes his own life, this time on the railway tracks.
Is history about to repeat itself?
DI Lorraine Fisher has just arrived for a relaxing summer break with her sister. Soon she finds herself caught up in the resulting police enquiry. And when her nephew disappears she knows she must act quickly.
Are the recent deaths suicide – or murder?
And is the nightmare beginning again? NetGalley

What are you reading this week?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

16 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (April 16)

  1. 9th book in a series? Good for you. I never go for a series that has more than 3 books 😀

    Enjoy reading!


    1. I flirted with The Luminaries and decided against it…. I’m looking forward to Before You Die as out of the five previous books by Samantha Hayes I really enjoyed two, liked a lot two and one was OK.


      1. I’ve only read one of her other books – Until You’re Mine – and I thoroughly enjoyed it, so looking forward to this one, when I get to it. Soon, hopefully! Meantime I’ll make do with your review…


  2. You must have been a detective or CSI in a past life. Currently reading: Demon Lover. Finished reading: House of Hades. Next read: probably City of Fallen Angels.


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