Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW Wednesday (March 26)

WWW Wednesday green

Hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading After The Silence by Jake Woodhouse, a police procedural set in Amsterdam, a city I love.

After The Silence


A murdered policeman, a dead businessman hanging from a hook, a building burnt to the ground in an arson attack and a missing girl – identity unknown.
It’s up to damaged, world-weary Inspector Jaap Rykel of Amsterdam’s finest to piece it all together. Alongside him he’s got an inexperienced female detective wrestling with the ghosts of her past, and a Sergeant with a drugs habit. And then there’s the internal affairs investigation . . .

I have just finished Sorrow Bound by David Mark, my review of this gritty police procedural set in Yorkshire will follow soon…

Sorrow Bound

Next I am going to finally read Precious Thing by Colette McBeth

Precious Thing


Remember the person you sat next to on your first day at school? Still your best friend? Or disappeared from your life for good?
Some friendships fizzle out. Rachel and Clara promised theirs would last for ever. They met when Rachel was the new girl in class and Clara was the friend everyone wanted. Instantly, they fell under one another’s spell and nothing would be the same again. Now in their late twenties Rachel has the TV career, the flat and the boyfriend, while Clara’s life is spiralling further out of control. Yet despite everything, they remain inextricably bound. Then Clara vanishes. Is it abduction, suicide or something else altogether?
Imagine discovering something about your oldest friend that forces you to question everything you’ve shared together. The truth is always there. But only if you choose to see it. Goodreads

I’d love to hear what you are reading this week as I am constantly scouring shelves to add to my TBR mountain.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

23 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (March 26)

  1. Ah Cleo, Precious Thing looks SO good. You’re bad for my TBR pile 😉 Hope you enjoy your books this week!


  2. Great books – as usual. My TBR list is growing again.
    Among others, I’m currently reading ‘Gone’ by Julie Elizabeth Powell, ‘Hope for Another Day’ by Devin Berglund, ‘Lightpoints’ by Peter Kassan, and ‘The Faces of Immortality’ by Jack Everett and David Coles. Next reads ‘Echoes’ by Therin Knite, ‘Blood to Blood’ by Ife Oshun.


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