Posted in Weekly Posts

WWW Wednesday (January 22)

WWW Wednesday green

Hosted by Miz B at Should be Reading
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

I am currently reading Stone Bruises by Simon Beckett

Stone Bruises


Sean is on the run. We don’t know why and we don’t know from whom, but we do know he’s abandoned his battered, blood-stained car in the middle of an isolated, lonely part of rural France at the height of a sweltering summer. Desperate to avoid the police, he takes to the parched fields and country lanes only to be caught in the vicious jaws of a trap. Near unconscious from pain and loss of blood, he is freed and taken in by two women – daughters of the owner of a rundown local farm with its ramshackle barn, blighted vineyard and the brooding lake. And it’s then that Sean’s problems really start…NetGalley

I have just finished a really enjoyable read The Last Winter of Dani Lancing by P.D. Viner

The Last Winter of Dani Lancing
Review to be posted later this week!


Twenty years ago, college student Dani Lancing was kidnapped and brutally murdered. The killer was never found, and the case has long gone cold. Her parents, Patty and Jim, were utterly devastated, their marriage destroyed. While Jim fell apart, Patty was consumed by the unsolved case. She abandoned her journalism career and her marriage to spend every waking hour searching and plotting. She keeps contact with Tom, Dani’s childhood sweetheart, who has become a detective intent on solving murders like Dani’s. When he finds a lead that seems ironclad, he brings Patty in on it. After years of dead ends, her obsession is rekindled, and she will do anything for revenge, even become a killer herself-dragging her whole family into the nightmare once again, as lies and secrets are uncovered..Goodreads

Next I will be reading The Never List by Koethi Zan which I have on good authority is an excellent read, published by Random House on 1 January 2014

theneverlist koethizan


For years, Sarah and Jennifer kept the Never List: a list of things to be avoided at all costs.
But one night, they broke their own rules – with horrifying consequences.
Sarah has spent ten years trying to forget her terrifying ordeal. But it seems the killer has not forgotten her…


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

17 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday (January 22)

  1. The Never List sounds intriguing, but I need to read a few lighter books after just finishing two rather dark ones–Burning Air (which you already know about!) and The Woman Upstairs.


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