Posted in Award

One Lovely Blog Award for Cleopatra Loves Books


Well…. I this is a first, I been nominated for this by a cat! Yes no word of a lie the lovely Shrimp from Hair Ball Express took a break from sleeping or eating to send me my nomination for this purrfectly lovely award!

Here are the rules for award:

Thank the one that nominated you.

Put up the picture for the One Lovely Blog Award.

Tell everyone seven things about yourself.

Nominate seven other people and tell them that you’ve nominated them.

Easy peasy, right? So let’s get this show on the road!


Number one thank you Hair Ball Express

Number two the picture of the award is at the top of the page

Number three tell everyone seven things about myself… well here goes

I have loved elephants ever since seeing baby Anna being bathed at the zoo when I was three years old


My fall-back recipe is sausage surprise, which is basically sausages and pasta along with anything else I can find to add to the mix.
…….in our house our favourite pasta is farfalle  but we call it ducks feet!


Ducks feet

I hate feet, people cracking their knuckles and spiders



‘ve always wanted to live in a windmill, I don’t I live in a house


I love history with a  particular interest in social history

kings and queens

I actually say a tissue every time I sneeze


I have recently got a new job at the company I have worked at for the last eleven years so my brain is currently struggling to learn lots of new things

Exploding Head Zone

Now most importantly I get to nominate seven other blogs for the One Lovely Blog Award.  There are so many blogs that I visit regularly and enjoy so picking seven was a struggle but these are the special seven for today!

Al from A Mixed Bag for his wonderful photos, his funny comments and for sharing the complicated post a link thing

Udita from Bookmark for her wonderful reviews

Nishita for her updates on family life along with her book reviews at Nishita Rants and Raves

Mrs V from Fascinations of a Vanilla Housewife who writes amusing posts from the Philippines – my thoughts are with her as she tries to raise money for her countrymen

Interesting Literature for their wonderful literary facts

Suzanne from I Read Novels for her fantastic help to a fellow reader along with  her perceptive reviews

Bookmammal who never fails to amaze me with her similar views, likes and dislikes on every subject but especially reading!

Please go and visit all these wonderful bloggers who brighten my day!



A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

9 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award for Cleopatra Loves Books

  1. I laughed out loud to read that you were nominated for this by a CAT! My cats do not blog–yet!
    Thank you for the nomination! I will try to fulfill the duties in the next few days! 🙂
    And–last but not least–I believe that I shall now begin calling farfalle–DUCK FEET”! I love that!!!


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