Posted in Award

Cleopatra Loves Books is now Super Shiny

Shine on and keep Calm

Following my nomination from the lovely Book Chat for the SHINE ON AWARD  I have now been nominated twice more.

Firstly this lovely Orange Keep Calm and Shine On from S.J. Thomas a thriller writer who explores the psychology behind crime.

Secondly from Andrea at Reviews Books and More who provides some great reviews for me to read and add to my TBR!

Shine endplate

“this award is for the blogs that shine, make you feel good and are inspiring to the reader.”
Here are the rules of the award:
1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back.
3. Share seven random, interesting things about yourself.
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the Shine On Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.

I visited both my nominators as as I saw I’d been nominated and thanked her for including me in their chosen nominations.

This is my acknowledgement and a plea to keep up the good work providing me with regular book reviews.

As I don’t have 14 new facts to share I am going to share my original ones for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet. I have made  a few minor updates for those who have.

Here goes with my seven random facts, I’m not really sure that they can be classed as interesting but here we go….

1. I live in Jersey the largest of the Channel Islands situated between UK and France.

St Aubin Photos
This photo of St Aubin is courtesy of TripAdvisor

The Channel Islands were the only part of the UK to be occupied by the Germans during the Second World War.  Islanders were given hours to gather their belongings and evacuate before the occupation started.

2. If you want to make me smile serve me mushrooms as I love them!


Especially with leeks and pasta!

3. My current job involves lots of data analysis and I secretly love it (I know a bit sad!) and spent a whole weekend categorising my books using excel. See my Musing Monday (September 16)

Excel sheet
4. I have no idea about geography, my sense of direction is so bad I get confused about which way to go when I leave shops! Taking my children to birthday parties when they were small was always difficult (no GPS then) and invariably involved driving to the sea so that I could find somewhere that I recognised. See point 1 it is lucky the island is only 9 miles X 5 miles so it didn’t take too long!

Apparently if you share my problem and live on a larger land mass (not difficult) you should head up high as this will help you find your way…. I’m not convinced but hey!

Carpicture courtesy

5. I check my stats on my blog often and although I like to see how many people have visited I get really excited when someone from a new country visits – thank you whoever it was who came from Hungary yesterday!

If you see the Jersey flag Jersey Flag on your wordpress blog it could well be me!

CountriesWorld Map

I kid myself that I do this as self-improvement for point 4 (I think it may be another example of being a little bit sad see point 3)

Since my original post I have gathered a new flag from Ghana so thank you to them!

6. I am horrible until I have had a nice cup of coffee (or 3) every morning.

Coffee cup

7. Finally I love reading! Who’d have guessed eh? Nothing makes me happier than discovering a new book that takes me to my happy place or better still a new author who ‘speaks to me’


Now for the best bit nominating some of the blogs I have visited and enjoyed. Not everyone likes participating in these awards and some of those listed by me may have already had this award.  I am not going to nominate again  but please  have a look through the list as I think all of these have something worth reading!  Don’t forget to visit Andrea and Stephanie too.

These awards are truly brilliant for a little blog hopping.

My fifteen nominees for The Shine On Award (in no particular order) are:

Love 2 Read Always

The Book Lover’s Attic

Musings From a Bookmammal

The Relentless Reader

‘Ow am yau?

The Love of A Good Book

The Book Musings

Geeky Book Snob

Kimberly Eve Musings of a Writer

Beth Fish Reads

Thinking in Fragments

Tipsy Lit

Dreamz and Clouds


One Gal’s Musings

A big thank you to Book Chat for my nomination, it has made me so happy and I have finally worked out how to do the links!

Shine on and keep Calm


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

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