Posted in Award

The Shine On Award

Shine on Award

The lovely Book Chat has nominated me for the SHINE ON AWARD which I had been coveting since I saw another blogger with one.

Isn’t this the prettiest of all the pretty awards?

Book Chat provides me with thoughtful reviews on books and she has some wonderful recent pictures of her new granddaughter, the first girl, which must mean a chance to embrace pink!


Here are the rules of the award:
1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back.
3. Share seven random, interesting things about yourself.
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the Shine On Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.

I visited Book Chat as soon as I saw I’d been nominated and thanked her for including me in her chosen nominations.

This is my acknowledgement and a plea to keep up the good work  providing  me with  regular book reviews.

Here goes with my seven random facts, I’m not really sure that they can be classed as interesting but here we go….

1. I live in Jersey the largest of the Channel Islands situated between UK and France.

St Aubin Photos
This photo of St Aubin is courtesy of TripAdvisor

2. If you want to make me smile serve me mushrooms as I love them!


3. My current job involves lots of data analysis and I secretly love it (I know a bit sad!) and spent a whole weekend categorising my books using excel.  See my Musing Monday (September 16)

Excel sheet
4. I have no idea about geography, my sense of direction is so bad I get confused about which way to go when I leave shops!  Taking my children to birthday parties when they were small was always difficult (no GPS then) and invariably involved driving to the sea so that I could find somewhere that I recognised.  See point 1 it is lucky the island is only 9 miles X 5 miles so it didn’t take too long!

Carpicture courtesy

5. I check my stats on my blog often and although I like to see how many people have visited I get really excited when someone from a new country visits – thank you whoever it was who came from Hungary yesterday!

If you see the Jersey flag  Jersey Flag on your wordpress blog it could well be me!

CountriesWorld Map

I kid myself that I do this as self-improvement for point 4 (I think it may be another example of being a little bit sad see point 3)

6. I am horrible until I have had a nice cup of coffee (or 3) every morning.

Coffee cup

7. Finally I love reading! Who’d have guessed eh? Nothing makes me happier than discovering a new book that takes me to my happy place or better still a new author who ‘speaks to me’


Now for the best bit nominating some of the blogs I have visited and enjoyed. Not everyone likes participating in these awards and some of those listed by me may have already had this award, but have a look through the list as I think all of these have something worth reading!

I still look out for new blogs from my nomination for the Liebster award when I want to do a little blog hopping.

My fifteen nominees for The Shine On Award (in no particular order) are:

Love 2 Read Always

The Book Lover’s Attic

Musings From a Bookmammal

The Relentless Reader

‘Ow am yau?

The Love of A Good Book

The Book Musings

Geeky Book Snob

Kimberly Eve Musings of a Writer

Beth Fish Reads

Thinking in Fragments

Tipsy Lit

Dreamz and Clouds


One Gal’s Musings

A big thank you to Book Chat for my nomination, it has made me so happy and I have finally worked out how to do the links!

Shine endplate


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

25 thoughts on “The Shine On Award

  1. Congratulations, it is the prettiest award I’ve seen. And you’re the one from Jersey, cool, learn something new everyday. 🙂 And just a helpful hint someone told me once, if ever lost, drive uphill. Most roads that go to or from anywhere are built on the ridges because they’re easier to build and straighter, versus driving in circles down in the valleys and neighborhoods. Good luck with that. 🙂


    1. Thank you – I’m glad I’m not the only one that looks at the flags…. you’ve made me feel a little less sad! With the island being so small the sea has always worked for me because from there you just follow the coast until your closest to where you want to be! I can see that would work too and will bear it in mind. 🙂


  2. Awwww. Thanks so much for this great award. You are too kind. I didn’t know you lived in Jersey! I lived in Guernsey for almost a year back in the 80s, when I was in grad school. I visited Jersey for a brief time the year before I was in Guernsey.


  3. First of all–THANK YOU! What a nice surprise this morning!
    Secondly–I think we may have been separated at birth, because the common things keep on coming! I already knew that you and I both love to read–but now I learn that we both love mushrooms, we both like to keep track of different countries visiting our blogs…but most of all… this whole geographically-challenged thing! Oh my goodness–I will take the longest route possible to get somewhere rather than try a new “short-cut” because I just KNOW I’ll get lost. I have a compass on the dashboard of my car, but even that doesn’t help sometimes. To make it worse, my father is a retired Social Studies teacher–which means that he taught whole units on geography and maps. I’m afraid he has long given up on me in this area.
    Thanks again! I will be sure to check out the other blogs you’ve listed!


    1. It is amazing how two people living so far apart can have so much in common! 🙂 It is great and glad you keep track of the countries too. Even a day with low visitor numbers is saved by a new country!
      Thanks for checking out the other blogs I’ve listed too.


  4. Congratulations! I haven’t heard of this award yet, and you’re right it is one of the prettier ones 🙂

    And I’m guilty of stat checking too. It’s addictive, isn’t it? Almost as bad as that morning cup of coffee…

    And Jersey looks amazing. The first time it showed up in my stats I had to Google it because, sadly, I’m not that great at Geography either.


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