Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (March 14)

This Week In Books
Hosted by Lipsy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

At the moment I am reading Twin Truths by Shelan Rodger which will be published on 15 March 2018.


What is the truth? And how do you recognise it when you hear it?

Jenny and Pippa are twins. Like many twins they often know what the other is thinking. They complete each other.

When Pippa disappears Jenny is left to face the world alone, as she tries to find out what happened to her other half. But the truth, for Jenny, can be a slippery thing. Amazon

The last book I finished was Common People: The History of An English Family by Alison Light a fascinating non-fiction read that looks at social history through the lives of one family.


Family history is a massive phenomenon of our times but what are we after when we go in search of our ancestors?

Beginning with her grandparents, Alison Light moves between the present and the past, in an extraordinary series of journeys over two centuries, across Britain and beyond.

Epic in scope and deep in feeling, Common People is a family history but also a new kind of public history, following the lives of the migrants who travelled the country looking for work. Original and eloquent, it is a timely rethinking of who the English were – but ultimately it reflects on history itself, and on our constant need to know who went before us and what we owe them. Amazon

Next I am planning on reading The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth which is out on 22 March 2018.


How much do we really know our neighbours?

The small suburb of Pleasant Court lives up to its name. It’s the kind of place where everyone knows their neighbours, and children play in the street.

Isabelle Heatherington doesn’t fit into this picture of family paradise. Husbandless and childless, she soon captures the attention of three Pleasant Court mothers.

But Ange, Fran and Essie have their own secrets to hide. Like the reason behind Ange’s compulsion to control every aspect of her life. Or why Fran won’t let her sweet, gentle husband near her new baby. Or why, three years ago, Essie took her daughter to the park and returned home without her.

As their obsession with their new neighbour grows, the secrets of these three women begin to spread – and they’re about to find out that when you look at something too closely, you’ll see things you never wanted to see. NetGalley

What do you think? Any of these take your fancy? Please let me know in the comments box below.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

38 thoughts on “This Week in Books (March 14)

  1. Three great (and all pretty different) book choices this week – I’d happily read all of them (and have Twin Truths to read soon too, as I’m on the blog tour). Happy reading!


  2. I hear the Hepworth is very good, Cleo. I hope you’ll enjoy it. And the Light does look like a really interesting book. What a great way to explore social history – by looking at one family.


  3. “Common People” sounds really interesting and an inspired idea. One of the things I love about researching my family history (not to mention genealogy research for my novels) is how much social history I learn along the way. And the “common” touch, i.e. through the stories of ordinary people, is why I find TV programmes like “Who Do You Think You Are?” and, more recently, “A House Through Time” so fascinating. Definitely one for the TRB list. 😁


    1. Absolutely Wendy, this book is crammed full of details and I’ve learnt so much about all the different occupations to support the merchant and military navy as some of the people lived in Portsmouth- I definitely recommend this one 😊


  4. All of these look good! I’ll be interested especially in what you think about the Hepworth book. What is it about ‘peeking’ into the lives of neighbors. Ha!


  5. Stories about twins have always intrigued me, especially if the twins have a special bond. Twin Truths sounds like something I’d enjoy reading. Have a nice day!

    My WWW post


  6. Common People sounds excellent! I loved finding out where all my ancestors came from and lived, but couldn’t really find out much more than dates and addresses – no real information beyond guesswork about what their lives would have been like. I shall tentatively clear a space for this one, pending your review…


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