Posted in Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (March 7)

This Week In Books
Hosted by Lipsy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

I am currently reading Come and Find Me by Sarah Hilary which will be published on 22 March 2018. This is the fifth in the DI Marnie Rome series.


On the surface, Lara Chorley and Ruth Hull have nothing in common, other than their infatuation with Michael Vokey. Each is writing to a sadistic inmate, sharing her secrets, whispering her worst fears, craving his attention.
DI Marnie Rome understands obsession. She’s finding it hard to give up her own addiction to a dangerous man: her foster brother, Stephen Keele. She wasn’t able to save her parents from Stephen. She lives with that guilt every day.
As the hunt for Vokey gathers pace, Marnie fears one of the women may have found him – and is about to pay the ultimate price. Amazon

This fast paced mystery is very different to my last read The Trick to Time by Kit de Waal, who has produced another accomplished story that had me captivated.


Mona is a young Irish girl in the big city, with the thrill of a new job and a room of her own in a busy boarding house. On her first night out in 1970s Birmingham, she meets William, a charming Irish boy with an easy smile and an open face. They embark upon a passionate affair, a whirlwind marriage – before a sudden tragedy tears them apart.

Decades later, Mona pieces together the memories of the years that separate them. But can she ever learn to love again? Amazon

Next up I’m changing genre again to a bit of historical fiction from an author whose latest time-slip novels have been on my must-read list for years: Last Letter Home by Rachel Hore.


On holiday with friends, young historian Briony Wood becomes fascinated with a wartime story of a ruined villa in the hills behind Naples. There is a family connection: her grandfather had been a British soldier during the Italian campaign of 1943 in that very area. Handed a bundle of letters that were found after the war, Briony sets off to trace the fate of their sender, Sarah Bailey.

In 1939, Sarah returns with her mother and sister from India, in mourning, to take up residence in the Norfolk village of Westbury. There she forms a firm friendship with Paul Hartmann, a young German who has found sanctuary in the local manor house, Westbury Hall. With the outbreak of war, conflicts of loyalty in Westbury deepen.

When, 70 years later, Briony begins to uncover Sarah and Paul’s story, she encounters resentments and secrets still tightly guarded. What happened long ago in the villa in the shadow of Vesuvius, she suspects, still has the power to give terrible pain … Amazon

That’s my reading week. What does your week have in store for you? Do share in the comments box below.


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

21 thoughts on “This Week in Books (March 7)

  1. I also have Last Letter Home and The Trick to Time on my tbr this month. Currently I’m reading The Neighbors by Hannah McKinnon. Just started but it’s very good so far.


  2. The Trick to Time would be my pick this week. Last Letter Home doesn’t sound like my kind of thing really, but I’m intrigued because my Dad was in the Italian campaign at that time too. I’ll be interested to read your review when you get to it…


  3. I have to say, The Last Letter Home interests me, Cleo. As you know, I do like a dual timeline when it’s done well. The other two look good, too. I’m glad you’re having a good reading week.


  4. All of these sound good – all a bit different, but I think it’s good for us to ‘change it up’. Otherwise, we get bogged down in the ‘thriller’ mode. Which is the area that both of us gravitate to, right? LOL


  5. I have two Rachel Hore books in my personal library, but haven’t read them yet. I will be anxious to read your review of “Last letter home”. Her covers are stunning.


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