Posted in Put A Book On The Map, Weekly Posts

This Week in Books (January 11)

This Week In Books

Hosted by Lipsyy Lost & Found my Wednesday post gives you a taste of what I am reading this week. A similar meme is run by Taking on a World of Words

I am currently reading, Tattletale by Sarah J Naughton which contrary to what I said yesterday, is actually due to be published on 23 March 2016.


Please see yesterday’s post  for the synopsis and the opening lines from this book

I have just finished my fellow Channel Island dweller, Rachel Abbott’s latest book The Sixth Window, the latest in the brilliant Tom Douglas series, set in Manchester. The Sixth Window is going to be published on 21 February 2017. Rachel was kind enough to send me a copy but a little bird told me this is on NetGalley as of yesterday!



Eighteen months after Natalie Gray loses her husband Bernie in a horrific hit and run accident, she finds love with his best friend, Ed Cooper, and moves into his home with her teenage daughter Scarlett. But she begins to suspect Ed has a dark side — and even darker intentions. Natalie must get her troubled child to a safer place, but when Scarlett starts to hear voices coming from the empty apartment next door it seems she has unwittingly moved them into the heart of danger.

DCI Tom Douglas is also chasing the truth. As his investigation into the suicide of a teenage girl draws him ever closer to Natalie and Scarlett, will he be too late to protect them from the threat they face, or from the truths that will tear their lives apart? NetGalley

Next up I have one of my own books After She Fell by Mary-Jane Riley which I bought because I loved The Bad Things so much.



There are so many ways to fall…
Catriona needs help. Her seventeen-year-old daughter Elena was found dead at the bottom of a cliff near her boarding school. The death has been ruled a suicide, but Catriona isn’t convinced.
When her old friend, journalist Alex Devlin, arrives in Hallow’s Edge to investigate, she quickly finds that life at private boarding school The Drift isn’t as idyllic as the bucolic setting might suggest.
Amidst a culture of drug-taking, bullying and tension between school and village, no one is quite who they seem to be, and there are several people who might have wanted Elena to fall… Amazon


So that’s what I’m reading this week – what have you chosen? Do let me know in the comments box below.


british-isles-mapThere’s another reason for me choosing After She Fell – Mary-Jane has kindly agreed to kick-start the Put A Book On The Map project which will also be linking to The Book Trail the-booktrail-logoSusan at The Book Trail is going to use the key locations for both The Bad Things and After She Fell to prepare a book trail in readiness for the launch on 4 February 2017 – If anyone wants to help out with this part, please let me know and I will pass your details onto Susan.

It is with enormous pleasure that I can confirm that the blogger post is going to be written by the lovely Katherine from BibliomaniacUK  on the locations visited in the  Alex Devlin series.  I can’t wait to see this collaboration in action!

If you’ve read and reviewed either of Mary-Jane’s books as I would love to link and feature some reviews to make this a real community event. Of course full credit will be given to anyone submitting material and you can email me at

We’d love to hear from you to make the first book on the map a magnificent event!


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

32 thoughts on “This Week in Books (January 11)

  1. I’m catching up with books by two authors I had the chance to talk with at the London Book Fair last April:
    Holy Island by L J Ross … this the first of her DCI Ryan Mystery series.
    and …
    Before You Leap by Keith Houghton

    Almost finished ‘The Chemist’ by Stephanie Meyer … feel as though I need a prescription!


  2. I really liked After She Fell although I read it around July last year. I hope that you will like it as much as I did. I hope to get a copy of the second book soon. Happy reading.


  3. This all sounds so exciting, Cleo! And you’ve got some intriguing books there, too. The Abbott sounds especially appealing and really suspenseful!


  4. I have AFTER SHE FELL and also THE BAD THINGS, I think. Look forward to reading them soon. And, I also have several books by Rachel Abbott. Will make a point of starting that series too. I’m excited to read about your new venture linking books to locations. Will be cheering you guys on.


    1. Thank you so much Kay – The Bad Things was a brilliant read and I’m so excited to have Mary-Jane Riley doing the first post with Katherine. I’ve read each of Rachel Abbott’s books as they’ve been published, I do think you’ll enjoy that series too.


  5. I have The Bad Thing and After She Fell on my TBR for this year so I’m excited to see the first post in your new series. It’ll be great to have more insight into locations for books, and a local blogger’s thoughts on the setting. I keep thinking I’ll request Tattletale but I’m really trying to get my TBR reduced this year so I need to restrain myself. I hope it’s a good read though.

    Here’s my week in books:


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