Posted in Weekly Posts

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (April 14)

First Chapter

Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.

My intro this week is from The Lie by C.L. Taylor

The Lie


I know your name’s not really Jane Hughes . . .
Jane Hughes has a loving partner, a job in an animal sanctuary and a tiny cottage in rural Wales. She’s happier than she’s ever been but her life is a lie. Jane Hughes does not really exist.
Five years earlier Jane and her then best friends went on holiday but what should have been the trip of a lifetime rapidly descended into a nightmare that claimed the lives of two of the women.
Jane has tried to put the past behind her but someone knows the truth about what happened. Someone who won’t stop until they’ve destroyed Jane and everything she loves. NetGalley

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph ~ Intro

Present Day

I know he’s trouble before he even sets foot in the building. I can tell by the way he slams the door of his 4×4
and storms across the car park without waiting to see if his short, bespectacled wife is following him. When he reaches the glass double doors to reception, I avert my gaze back to my computer screen. It’s best to avoid direct contact with an aggressor. When you spend twelve hours a day with dangerous animals, you learn a lot about confrontation, fear and hostility – and not just in relation to dogs.

Do you want to know more? Would you keep reading?


A book lover who clearly has issues as obsessed with crime despite leading a respectable life

42 thoughts on “First Chapter ~ First Paragraph (April 14)

  1. That first paragraph does get my attention, Cleo. And the premise sounds interesting, too. Thanks for sharing!


  2. That man sounds like an idiot, but the situation is a great way to let the reader get to know the character! Jane sounds like a very smart woman, which is bound to make the rest of the book interesting! Thanks for sharing 🙂 I hope you have a great week!
    My Tuesday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words


  3. Ooh, I do want to know more! This one does sound good…and I love books about people changing their identities for various reasons, and the secrets behind what they’ve done. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.


  4. I’d absolutely keep reading- sounds intriguing! I so happy to find your blog. You and I read entirely opposite genres, but I dig your review style!


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